Chapter Forty

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"Ali!, Ali!, Earth to Ali!" I heard someone practically shouting beside me. I poked over with raised eyebrows to see Draco waving a hand in front of my face. I raised an eyebrow before he grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the way of a large pillar I was about to walk right into.

"What the hell are you thinking about in there?" He asked knocking a fist gently against my head. We were walking to potions and all I could think about was the kiss with Harry this morning, I was so distracted I accidentally stuck my toothbrush in my ear.

"Nothing, stuff & things." I mumbled, tucking some of my dark hair behind my ear.

"Yeah well, those stuff & things are going to get you killed if you don't watch where you're going." he said before pulling me along behind him into the potions classroom.

The awkwardness in the potions classroom, was palpable. I could feel it crackling in the air like a firework. Ron and Hermione were looking everywhere but me, so were Lavender and every other girl from Gryffindor. The Slytherin's looked too enthralled with themselves to notice the pair of us walk in together, and Harry — well Harry looked like a pot of water about to boil over. The jealousy in his eyes something I had never seen from him before.

I hadn't even noticed Draco had an arm around my waist and was leading me farther into the classroom until our new Professor announced himself to the class, and since this wasn't Snape's class I had to wander over to the Gryffindor side of the room. I didnt even bother saying hello as being ignored by my "friends" wasn't on the top of my list this morning.

"Hello students! Welcome to advanced potions. I'm Professor Slughorn, and it will be a privilege to teach all of you this year." Our new teacher was enthusiastic, eclectic and as upbeat about potions as Umbridge was about cats.

Our new Professor started to ramble on about what we would be doing for the year, and I tuned him out before slinking to the back of the room. But I didn't get far before Slughorn called my name out at the front of the room. "Ms. Soloria! I have been dying to meet you!" He called over the sea of students who stood in front of me.

"Please, don't be shy dear! Come up here!" He said, and I rolled my eyes before pushing my way to the front of the room. "Traitor." I heard Lavender cough in the crowd, Slughorn immediately frowned.

"You know I don't believe those nasty rumors going around about you, dear." He said giving me a pat on the shoulder. I nodded my head and softly smiled to the older man. "Thank you, Professor. I just wish my fellow classmates would understand how unbearable it really is to be taken hostage and have someone threaten the lives of everyone you care about, it really is a pain in the ass." Draco was looking at me with raised eyebrows, and a hand on his hip as if scolding one of his children. I could only shrug and turn back to Professor Slughorn.

His expression was of distress, I know he didnt have a clue what to say to me in this situation. "Yes, that's very unfortunate my dear. Now back to our lesson." He said and turned our attention to a bubbling cauldron in front of the class.

"Now this is amortentia, a very powerful love potion. Can anyone tell us anything about this potion?" Of course Hermione's hand was up within seconds. "Yes, Ms. Granger?"

"It changes scents according to what attracts the smeller the most. For example; I smell freshly mown grass, new parchment and spearmint toothpaste." She said and it wasn't long before her cheeks reddened and she let her curly hair fall around her head to hide her face. I glanced to a certain red head in the room and knew that all the qualities pertained to him.

"Excellent Ms. Granger, five points to Gryffindor. Now what do you smell by chance, Ms. Soloria?" He asked me, and I did as he asked and took one long inhale from the bubbling potion.

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