Chapter Forty-Seven

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I had never seen snow before. Not until we moved to England and I found myself somewhere equipped with something more than just beaches and deserts. Now while I loved our house on the beach in California -- I loved being able to wake up in the morning and hear the waves crashing through my open window -- The coolness of the snow had a certain ambiance that had kept me laying in a pile of it for the past two hours. 

My hair was dripping wet, it had melted around my jeans and I was freezing my tush off but I was content. I was content because I was alone. I had wandered off into the forbidden forest some time ago and was happy just being away from the bustle of the castle. I was also happy to be away from Draco and his neurotic rambling about the cabinet that still had yet to be fixed. I also needed to quit my obsessive worrying about where I was going to go when Christmas rolled around in a couple of weeks.

My brother wouldn't leave without me, and I couldn't deny him the amazing Christmases that my family had every year. And if Draco decided to head home I couldn't leave him alone in that house without me. And if he decided to stay I couldn't leave him unattended to either, who knows what trouble he will get into. I had been worrying about this for a week now and finally I got so frustrated without an answer to the question I just left. But I think the snow was starting to numb my brain along with my legs. 

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" I heard above me, and I opened my eyes to see round glasses and wet black hair looking back at me. 

"Seducing Flitwick, what the hell does it look like I'm doing Harry?" I said refusing to move myself from my comfy snow pile. 

"Get up, you're going to get sick." Harry said, moving to stand at my feet versus hovering above my head. He was dressed warmly and well prepared for the freezing weather around us, until he removed his coat and laid it across me. 

"How did you even find me?" I asked. Harry raised an eyebrow and pointed to the tan parchment sticking out of his sweatshirt pocket. 

"Oh right, that damn map again." I said rolling my eyes. I didn't feel like arguing with Harry so I just slipped his coat around my shoulders and stood from my now melted puddle. 

"Yeah the map. That's also how I know you've still been disappearing with Draco at odd hours of the night."

"Geeze stalker." I grunted before turning away from him to head back to the castle, Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me back before I even took two steps. 

"I love you Ali, So yes I am making sure I know where you are every moment of the day." 

"I am not a child Harry, you don't need to follow my every move!" I found it a bit unnerving that Harry could easily know when I made my way into the Slytherin dorm.

"Draco is bad business! I can accept that you're friends but I don't want him pulling you into that dark world of his!" I couldn't help but snort at his ignorance. "His world? Do you think Draco wants anything to do with any of that? He doesn't. He's seen more shit than you could ever imagine."

"And how would you know Ali. How would you know what he's seen?" Harrys voice was escalating. thankfully we were in an abandoned forest. 

"Are you that blind? Think about it Harry! Did you really think the dark lord was going to let me leave without knowing he could track my every move?" The words flew out of my mouth quicker than I could stop them, and I wanted to slap myself across the face for not being more careful. I had wanted to spare the dirty details of my so called treacherous ways from those I loved for as long as I could, but maybe Harry knowing the truth would take a little of the stress away from me. 

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