Chapter Four

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The sun shined through the bay window in my bedroom as the lime green curtains were pushed to the side. I rolled onto my side and groaned seeing my alarm clock say it was barely seven AM. But even this early in the morning I could hear the sounds of my family members in the rooms around me.

 Andi and Aurora were arguing about something in their bathroom across the hall, and I could hear Damian playing his electric guitar unplugged on the other side of my wall. I tried to block out their noise as I was still exhausted from the events that happened the day before. I put a pillow over my ears and tried my best to fall back asleep but my attempts were useless as I heard a crash in the twins bathroom, and then the yells from my mother downstairs.

Everything seemed to quiet down in my siblings rooms and I was almost back asleep, until a certain someone came barrelling into my room like a hipogriff and jumping on my bed.

 "Damian go away!" I shouted into my pillow as my dear brother was jumping up and down making my bed shake.

 "Can't, dad said to wake you up!" He said semi out of breath as he continuously bounced on my white bedspread.

"Why?" I whined looking at him with one eye open. I was shocked to see he was actually dressed and awake before noon. I was normally the one dragging him out of bed, not the other way around.

 "Were going to some place called Diagon Alley, we have to get our school crap." He said finally realizing him jumping on my bed was only making him tired rather than waking me up. I sighed before yanking his ankle causing him to fall down beside me.

 "Can you leave so I can get ready then?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah, I think ill do your hair." He said flicking a piece of hair that was laying on my pillow. 

"Oh god." I chuckled, slapping his arm before jumping out of bed.

 "Unless you want to be scarred for life you may want to leave soon." I called out and shut the bathroom door behind me. The warm water fully woke me up as I lathered my coconut shampoo and matching body wash and was quickly finished. I wrapped a silver towel around my body and peeked out the door to see Damian finally left.

Quickly getting dressed in some normal jeans and a plain white t-shirt that fit tightly and letting my hair dry in its natural waves. After slipping my wand into my back pocket and giving Olive a treat I made my way into our families dining room where my family was gathered loudly eating their breakfast.

"There's my champ," My dad said as he peeked over the Daily Prophet that I saw had a picture of the mark in the sky  that I saw the night before. I shuddered at the thought of what I saw the night before, and took my seat beside Damian who of course was stuffing his face full of bacon. 

"What time are we going mom?" I asked our mother who was starting to clear some of the dishes away from the table with her wand.

 "As soon as your brother is finished eating the entire contents of our home." My mom said with a sigh as she motioned to my brother who was once again piling his plate with potatoes and eggs. It was a good thing Damian played quiditch so much or he would be gaining an awful amount of weight by how much he ate.

After about fifteen more minutes of everyone watching Damian eat everything in sight we were finally huddled around the fireplace. We were taking floo powder to Diagon Alley, wherever it was.

 "I'll go first, and wait for you all there." My dad said, quickly kissing my mom before shouting his location in the fireplace before he was engulfed in green flames and was gone.

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