Chapter Thirty-Nine

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       A/N Hey everyone! So I realized I messed up with my time frame of things. Aurora and Andi shouldent have been in the last chapter at Hogwarts so I apologize! Just forget they are in there and i'll go back later and edit them out haha They graduated while Ali was at Malfoy Manner and are both still dating Fred and George. Damian is a seventh year and Ali is in obviously in sixth...Aaaannnd GO!

        If I said I was welcomed back into Gryffindor tower with open arms, I would be exaggerating. Like hugely exaggerating. Exaggerating to the point of disbelief. I remember when I was stuck in the tournament from hell in fourth year and everyone treated me like I was some Goddess of Gryffindor. Now? I think everyone would have been happier to see Umbridge.

        Seamus sneered at me as I walked past him, Neville avoided eye contact until Ginny dragged him away towards the fire. Padma and Parvati frowned and turned their backs, almost all of the first through third years ran away terrified from me, and all I could do was stand awkwardly in the center of the room. Ron and Hermione looked like they wanted to say something to me, but the words were lost from them. And Harry, well he walked past me and up to his dorm without a second thought. 

        "I'm not a death eater if anyone wanted to ask!" I shouted across the common room. "Just thought I'd put that out there" I said with a shrug before walking back through the portrait. It was clear I wouldn't have a pleasant sleep in my dorm tonight, Lavender might try drawing the dark mark on my forehead or something and I couldn't risk getting expelled for throwing her off the Astronomy tower. 

        Draco had given me the password for the Slytherin common room earlier in the night, and right now I felt more welcomed with the people I used to hate than the people I normally called my friends. So after a very long walk into the cold dungeons after avoiding prefects, I was finally able to push my way into the darkened room. I had never been down here before, but might I say the Slytherins sure have a hell of a lot more room than we do. 

        The room was full of first years excited to start their first day, friends getting reacquainted after a summer apart, and a lot of older kids who looked like they had the weight of the world on their shoulders. I had a sneaky suspicion as to why that was. The Slytherin kids acted just like every other house when they were in their own environment, only nobody quit what they were doing the second I walked in. I just sort of blended in with everyone, and after the summer I had -- it was nice. 

        I found Damian laying across one of the couches sending random spells into the fireplace, I ran over and plopped down on his stomach like I normally did. "Calm down Pyro, you'll burn the castle down" I joked. He grunted and shifted under my weight. "Ali bear, what are you doing down here?" he asked and slid his wand into his front pocket. 

        "Everyone in Gryffindor is giving me the cold shoulder, they all suspect I've joined the dark side" I shrugged. 

        "Luke I am your father" Damian joked in his Darth Vader voice, and I immediately was in hysterics.

        "Maybe I should bring a light saber to class tomorrow" I said between laughs. 

        "I think you're scary enough as it is" 

        "Oh shut up" I said with a sigh. 

        Damian and I made small talk for a while before people in the common room started to dissipate to their dorms. "You can have my bed if you want, I can just sleep down here" Damian said as he pulled both of us off the couch. 

        "Thanks Damian, but I'm just gonna go pester Draco" I told him and headed to the boy's dorm, but Damian pulled me back.

        "What's going on with you two?" he asked. 

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