Chapter Forty-Five

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It was one of the random days I was actually sitting inside the Gryffindor common room, instead of my normal palace of solitude down in the dungeon. The room was rather empty as it was one of the Saturday Hogsmeade visits. So most of the older students were gone, and a lot of the younger ones were outside enjoying the weather,  I however was enjoying the emptiness of the room and sitting in front of the roaring fire. 

Draco had become a pretty unbearable person to be around since we started trying to fix the cabinet, and his agitation was more than obvious. We weren't making any headway on the cabinet, and any other plan I tried to concoct he shot down almost immediately. I decided he might just need some time to himself, so Iv'e spent more time up in the Gryffindor Tower. I think most of the people up here forgot  I even existed and were surprised  when they saw me plopped on the maroon couch in the common room every morning. 

I had been sitting here contemplating writing a letter to my parents, letting them know I was alright. I had meant to when I first arrived a couple of months ago but things got complicated and it slipped my mind. I had the quill and parchment in my hand, I just couldn't bring myself to write anything down. I haven't spoken to my Mother in almost a year, and the last time my Father saw me I was being carted off by Voldemort him thinking I joined his forces on my own free will. I just didn't know what to write, I just didn't know what I even could write, I can't even imagine what has been going through my Mom's brain over the past year. 

I sighed before writing down three simple words. I love you - Ali  

And I slipped it into an envelope and set aside for me to send off later. "Hey, Ali." I heard behind me, and I turned to see Harry, Hermione and Ron standing behind me. "Hi, Guys." I said softly, standing from the couch.

"Um, were heading down to Hogsmeade if you wanted to join us." Hermione asked, twiddling with her scarf. I raised my eyebrows looking between Harry and Ron as things were weird the last time I talked with either of them. 

"Harry and I aren't friends anymore, right Harry?" I asked looking to the dark haired boy who kept staring at his shoes. Harry wouldn't look at any of us, and I could tell by the look on Ron's face that he had no idea what happened between the two of us. 

"I know things have been a little out of sorts with us all lately, but of course you two are still friends." Ron said, his hands staying firmly in his front pockets. "We're all still friends." Hermione added. 

I sighed looking over to my former best friends, and I realized I really did miss them. I loved Draco and Damian, but I was missing all senses of my former life before I was branded a traitor. A traitor with the mark of evil hiding beneath my skin. 

"Please." Said Harry softly. I wasn't sure if he was saying 'Please forgive me' or 'Please come with us to Hogsmeade' but either way that one single word was enough for me to sprint to my dorm change my clothes and follow the golden trio out of the common room. 


"Quidditch isn't the same without you, Ali." Ron said as we sat at a table in the three broomsticks. I sipped slowly at the frothy butter beer between my hands and shrugged my shoulders. 

"Sorry, after everything that happened at the ministry last year I just can't really bring myself to do too much this year."  Hermione and Ron nodded in understanding, while Harry continued to glare at something behind my head, I turned around to look but I couldn't see what he was looking at. 

"Harry told us what you went through, I'm glad you're back." Said Ron with a nod of his head.

"Is that all Harry told you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, looking between the two best friends. Ron nodded his head.

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