Chapter Three

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It was chaos...pure chaos. People screaming and tripping over each other, children crying and trying to find their parents, and the cloaked figures shooting spells at random people and flipping anything in their path. But when I tripped, I expected to hit my head hard on the ground, however I landed on something soft and alive. I was staring into the eyes of the young boy who caught me earlier, who I remembered to be named Harry.

"Are you alright?" I asked frantically as I dodged a spell that whizzed past my head. I forgot my wand at home, so there was no way I could protect myself right now.

"I'm fine!" he yelled over the chaos, and pulled me to my feet.

"What the hell is going on?" I yelled as I tried getting a glimpse of a familiar face.

"I don't know, but we need to move" He said and grabbed my hand, dragging me down a dirt path. Soon enough we were full on sprinting, and I'll admit he was pretty fast. We kept getting forcefully shoved into, but Harry never once let go of my hand if anything he held onto me tighter.

We ducked behind an over turned food cart, and were virtually invisible to the people around us. We were both panting heavily, and I felt myself crying out of worry for my father and brother. "Are you ok?" He asked with a worried expression and reached out and wiped one of my tears away. I shook my head and hugged my knees, listening to the sound of footsteps and explosions that sounded around us.

"My dad and brother our out here somewhere," I said motioning to the world outside.

"I'm sure they're ok, I think those people are looking for something." Harry told me and wiped some dirt off of his jacket. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself.

"I'm Alisanna, by the way." I told him with a small smile. He returned the smile and fiddled with his wand.

"Harry Potter." He responded.

"Nice to meet you, Harry. Too bad it wasn't under better circumstances." I said with a slight chuckle.

"Well technically we met earlier, you just never told me your name." He said looking down the ground, I could tell he was pretty shy. I felt my eyes grow heavy for some reason and I laid my head on Harry's shoulder. His body stiffened for a second, but after a few moments I felt him relax.

"Do you go to Hogwarts?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, I'll be a fourth year." He responded, and I smiled knowing I would now know two people going into Hogwarts as Draco told me he went there as well.

"Me to." I whispered. I don't know why I suddenly felt so quiet around this boy, I'm normally a chatter box. Maybe it was the craziness going on outside, or something else but I felt nervous around him.

"It's gotten quiet out there." Harry whispered causing me to poke my head outside, and sure enough the remnants of the attack was the only thing that lingered.

We quietly made our way into the open field that now housed ripped and burnt tents, and a couple of unconscious bodies laying around. I held my breath as we slowly walked, hoping my hardest that I wouldn't find my Dad or brother laying among them.

Today was definitely not my day for walking and staying on my feet, because I tripped once again. Harry somehow was able to catch me again, and awkwardly patted me on the shoulder. I smiled at him and my gaze went from his pretty green eyes to a creepy mark shaped like a skull that was shot into the sky.

"Harry, what is that?" I asked and pointed into the air with my free hand.

Harry never got the chance to respond as we heard several voices start shouting and soon enough we had four spells being shot at our heads. Harry pulled us down just in time as I felt one of them graze the top of my hair.

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