Lady Kazukou called for a School assembly to reveal some exciting news. On the throne sat Kazukou and just below her were all the teachers. In front of them were all the students sitting neatly in a row waiting for this exciting News. The students whispered among themselves when the large metal bell rang out loud, quickly silencing the hall. Miss Kazukou rose to her feet with a bright and calm smile.

"I have exciting news everyone.  Our school will be hosting this year's Wizard tournament, hand-picked from the ministry themselves," Kazuko smiled.

The students stood and cheered with great excitement. The Wizard tournament was once called the Triwizard tournament held by the three largest wizarding schools of Europe: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Over the years it opened up to other wizard schools all over the world and became the wizard tournament today.

"As you know we must also host an opening ceremony showing off the uniqueness and beauty of our school. This year we will be presenting the Kagure Dance for our schools," Mr. Kaito announced.

"What is Kagure Dance?" Roman asked as he raised his hand.

"It is a special dance used in the old Days to banish evil spirits and creatures. It is a sacred dance that is slowly dying out in the magical world, with the advancement of protection magic and dark arts," Mr.Kaito explained.

"And I would like to teach this sacred dance to a volunteer. Not only will they perform the Dance at the ceremony, but they will also be given a guaranteed spot as one of our two champions," Kazuko announced.


"I can't believe that you volunteer to learn the dance!" Roman shouted.

"Well I really wanted to represent my clan, cause Quilin clan never get chosen," Y/n tried to reason.

"So you don't care about the dance?" Vexon asked.

"Well I mean, the dance can't be that complicated... Right?" Y/n asked nervesly.


(3 weeks later)

"No No, it was left, right, right turn. From the top," Kazukou scolded.

Y/n feel onto her knees from exhaustion as she just sat on the floor. Kazuko had her practicing from morning to down between classes and during breaks. Y/n had never seen such a scary and even mean side of Lady Kazuko before, and learning the Kagura dance was indeed not easy.

Kazuko noticed that she had worn her student, a feeling of guilt started to weigh on her heart. So she walked over to her desk and prepared some refreshing tea, as her many house-elves made simple cakes to go with it.

 So she walked over to her desk and prepared some refreshing tea, as her many house-elves made simple cakes to go with it

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