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I huffed and rolled my eyes. Garth stared into the window of a store with wide eyes. I wrapped my hand around his arm and pulled him away. "Come on. The others are probably beginning to get worried."

"You are right," he said. "I would rather avoid getting in trouble with our king for putting you in danger."

"We have not encountered any-" I snapped my mouth shut. I would rather not jinx myself further than I had before. "We probably should have grabbed coats."


"Overwear that surfacers wear in colder seasons." I lowered my voice and gestured at the heavy winter coats people were wearing. "We are not affected by the cold in the same way they are, but it is probably odd to see teenagers walking around dressed like this in this weather." 

"Paul did not seem surprised."

"He is also aware of my heritage. You wonder why I dropped out of the Conservatory when Kaldur did, it was because I began spending more time surface-side." A small sigh escaped my lips. It was also around the time the war picked up. My hands curled into fists. Much of that time was spent training, fighting. No matter how much I trained, it could never be enough. Even mixing in the training I had as a soldier couldn't help me.

It would never be enough to send me back in time and change what happened to Bianca and Zoë. 

A warm hand wrapped around my hand. I looked up at Garth, and green eyes met purple. He smiled and said, "It was odd without you there. As much as we missed the two of you, I must admit it was refreshing to not have as many pranks."

"It is not my fault they were easily fooled. The Team was, but they do not have the same knowledge of our culture." 

"We had extra duties because of you!"

"A small price to pay for amusement."

Garth chuckled and wrapped an arm over my shoulders. We continued back towards the Zeta Tube. It would be easy enough to show up in Happy Harbor, but infinitely harder to sneak back into the Cave. Needless to say, my mind was on other things before a fireball was flung towards me. On pure instinct, I shoved Garth behind me. 

It wasn't necessary.

A water construct rose in front of me, Garth having no trouble using the water without assistance. This is why you should stay in school.

"You can't even defend yourself? Pathetic." Kelli's twisted visage stood in front of us, flaming hair and mismatched legs fully visible. 

"Garth, stay behind me."

"No way, I'm not-"

"Oh, you might want to listen to the Sea Spawn. We don't want her to kill you, do we? Cause that would be-" Pain tugged at my gut and Kelli froze up. Her body convulsed and she dissolved into dust. It sank into the ground.

I sighed and scrubbed at my eyes. "Stupid cheerleaders." I mumbled. A touch on my shoulder sent me flinching away, and water lashing out at the person behind me. I stopped it seconds before it hit Garth. He stared at me with wide eyes and I did not realize why. Not until I realized there was the tug in my stomach and my the small visible part of my skin icons on my hands were not lit.

"What the Hades." His eyes never left me. "Percy, what-what was that?"

I swallowed and lifted my hand. I snapped. "My skin icons lit, my hands were simply covered by my sleeves." Did I feel bad for doing what I did? Yes. Did I regret it? No. For Garth to remember exactly what I did, how I almost attacked him after this one encounter; it would not bode well for if I ever decided to stay a hero. A public hero at the very least, being a demigod is not something I can simply rid myself of, wish as though I might. "Come on, we should hurry."

Part of me knew I should summon Blackjack or Mrs O'Leary, but I couldn't bring myself to. I wish to tell my friends of my father's true identity on my own terms, and at this point I do not know if that is in my last will and testament or not.  So I resigned myself to Zeta-ing to Happy Harbor and waiting for Garth to follow. Even with the distance we were from the beach, I could not help but relax. The salty air and the humidity was enough to settle any nerves that dared to linger. 

"This is much better," Garth said with a smile and a stretch. "I do not know how you can stand being too far away to hear the waves."

"Technically, we still are."

"At least the scent is still there."

I could not argue with him. Not then and not when we managed to sneak back into the Cave. Whether or not we snuck in was debatable, seeing as our king smiled and ruffled Garth's hair upon seeing him. We collapsed onto the couch, and I tucked my head against Garth. Another body soon joined and Tula draped herself over me.

"Do you mind moving off of my injuries?"

"No," she said. Despite her words she shifted her weight. "Besides, if you cannot deal with the punishment I deem fitting perhaps this will persuade you to not sneak out of the Cave. Do not dare to move, Garth, this is just as much your fault for enabling her."

"It is not enabling if she forces me to go with her."

We probably should have realized whatever punishment Orin would give us would be lighter than what Tula would do.



And...I might make a new book based off of the dnd campaign I'm running. It's uh. Interesting? is that the word I'm looking for?

Also if you made a comment abut the chapter number, I get a year of your life. Sorry, i don't make the rules.

I'm gonna feed my animals and try to work on some more chapters.

See yah

Aquagirl (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now