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"This way." I lead the group of people through the Cave, into the living room.

The moment they stepped inside and saw Percy, they rushed towards her.

"Are you okay?" The blond asked.

"Will, look at her does she look okay?"

"I can and will punch you, Thalia."

"Stop." The centaur said. "Arguing will do nothing to help her. Will, can you-"

"On it."

Before I could warn him not to, he rested a hand on Percy's shoulder. Immediately, she tensed and water knocked into them.

"What the Hades was that for?! Are you just going to sit their and attack us while we try to help you Kelp Head?!" Thalia's voice raised and I could see electricity beginning to spark around her hands. Tears began to fall down Percy's face and her body shook."Because I can deal with a lot of your-"

"Stop it!" I placed myself between them and Percy. She wrapped her arms around me and pressed her face against my back. "She doesn't like guys touching her and I don't want you to make it so she won't let girls touch her either."

"I think I know how to deal with my cousin thank you very much."

"Cousin? Her parent's do not have any siblings."

Percy's grip on me tightened and a small whimper left her throat. I sighed, turned and knelt in front of her.

"It is okay, Percy. They are here to help."

She shook her head. "Can we go to my room?" She whispered. My eyes widened, seeing as that was the first she's spoken, but I nodded.

I lifted her up, laughing as she wrapped herself around me.

"We are going to lay in her room. Please do not bother us."

I carried Percy to her room and gently laid her on her bed before climbing on next to her. When I wrapped my arms back around her, I could feel her bones under my hand, even with the bandages and wraps in place.


"Yes?" I looked down at her, meeting her eyes. My heart shuddered. I have not had a good look at her eyes, she has refused to make eye contact before this moment. Every bit of hope and light and joy and everything good which had once shone bright in her eyes was gone. They were dull. Nothing lived in them but emptiness.

"I missed you." A few stray tears slipped out and she wiped them away.

"So did I." I pulled my fingers through her hair. "Who were those people?"

Percy went silent and forced herself into a sitting position. She winced and clenched her jaw. She stared at her hands.

"You do not have to answer if you do not-"

"Calvin is not my father."


Her hands clenched into fists. "My father is the reason for almost everything that's went wrong in my life. He's the reason I'm never home. He's the reason I went missing. He's the reason I got tortured."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"He's going to show up. I know it. I should have told you a long time ago, but the people who know just get hurt. I-I..." Her body shook harshly and tears streamed down her face. "I don't know how it will end and you deserve to know the truth. You deserve to know that I've been lying to you. And now you're going to leave and hate me and try to get back at me and-and-"

"Sh..." I hushed her. "You were scared. I am not going to turn against you because you sought to protect us. It would be a different matter if you secretly tried to kill our queen."

Percy stared at me. She opened her mouth like she was going to say something, but closed it when someone knocked at the door. She grabbed my hand.

"It is okay. I am right here." I whispered. I looked towards the door. "Come in."

The door opened, revealing Will and Thalia.

"Hey, Jackson." Thalia offered a small smile.

I frowned and looked at Percy.

She looked at her lap and mumbled. "That's the last name of the woman I stay with on the surface."

I nodded and squeezed her hand gently. I looked at Thalia. "I never introduced myself. I am Tula, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Thalia raised an eyebrow out our joined hands. "Are you two dating or something?"

"She's Atlantean." Percy's voice was barely audible.. "The only public difference between the people you are friends with and your boyfriend and girlfriend is if you kiss them on the lips or not."

"There are other ones." I added. "But they are slight and you would not notice them unless you know they are dating."

"Okay...move over." Thalia jumped onto the bed and sat next to Percy, who pressed herself closer to me.

Thalia sighed. "You know I didn't mean to scare you, Kelp Head. I just have my dad's temper."

"That's not something to be proud of." Will said, walking over to stand in front of Percy.

"Neither is your dad. And I've met him so you know I'm right."

Ignoring her, Will dug in his bag. "How badly are you injured?"

Percy didn't say anything, leaving me to answer for her.

"Queen Mera tended to her wounds earlier. The only ones left are cuts." I ran my fingers through Percy's hair. "Are you okay?"

She shook her head.

"Do you want them to leave?"

She nodded.

I sighed. "She needs more rest so can you please leave?"

"I need to ask her-"

"Okay, maybe I should have made it clear that this was not a request. Leave."

They weren't happy about it but they left. I looked at Percy. "Why do you not want to talk to them?"

"I don't want to talk around Will."


"I don't know if I can trust him."


I hope it was good

I'm going to...I don't know

Drink sparkling juice? Eat peanut clusters? Both. I'm doing both.

May you all have a happy new year

See yah

Aquagirl (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now