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I was sparring with my father when the Zeta Tubes announced the arrival of Wonder Woman and a guest.

I did not look over, too busy dodging a punch. But I was aware of my friends.

"Who's that?" Wally asked.

"No idea." Robin mumbled. "But looks like we're about to find out."

Father and I stopped so I could look without getting injured.

"Team, I would like you to meet Chiron." Wonder Woman gestured to the man in the wheelchair beside her.

"As in the centaur?" I asked, trying to not give away the fact I have met him before.

"He's in a wheelchair dude, not connected to a horse." Wally said, looking over at me.

A smile appeared on Chiron's face and he stood, his lower half replaced with that of a white stallion.

The smile quickly disappeared when his eyes fixated on me.

I did not say anything and neither did he.

He looked at Wonder Woman, shifting his bag. "My dear, why did you want me to come with you?"

She sighed and messed with her lasso.   "It may be easier to show you. Aqualad are you coming with us? Your mother is still tending to her."

I nodded and followed after them. Inside the medbay, Mother was changing the bandages wrapped around Percy's stomach.

My heart sunk as I stared at my sister. Her skin was pallid and the amount of blood still spilling from the wound...

"Percy?" Chiron mumbled and walked over. He rested a hand on the side of her face and he tensed. I am guessing he noticed her gills.

He moved his hand away and stared for a minute more before looking at Wonder Woman.

"Do you know what injured her?"

"Imperial Gold." I said, thankful Percy had told me about the material.

Chiron and Wonder Woman both looked at me.

"That is a divine metal." Chiron mumbled, perhaps hoping that I would not understand. "She would need to be a demigod or a legacy at the very least."

"She looks a lot like Kelp Head." Wonder Woman responded. "Do you think-"

"Atlanteans can be harmed by the divine metals." I interrupted. "Percy has a dagger in case a sea monster attacks her."

"Her name is Percy?" Chiron questioned.

"It is short for P'ers'eus." I lied, hoping the butchered pronounciation would lead them away from the truth.

Percy would quite possibly kill me if I led to them discovering the truth.

He nodded and undid the bandages. Then he sighed.

"The issue lies within the properties of Inperial Gold. Not only does it harm the victim physically, but it also harms the soul. Which is why I prefer to use Celestial Bronze for the campers."

"Is my lasso Imperial Gold?" Wonder Woman asked taking it off of her belt.

"Possibly, but I don't know for sure. As for now, there is not much we can do until she wakes up. One of my students mentioned how one of her friends was harmed with Imperial Gold and he did not fully recover until he resolved his internal conflict."

"And that was?" I pressed.

"If he was Greek or Roman. I will try what I can, but without ambrosia or nectar this will be a tricky wound to treat. My dear, perhaps we should ask for Will's assistance?"

Wonder Woman shook her head. "Nico shadow traveled before he was cleared and now he's passed out in a bed. I wouldn't have asked you if I could have gotten anyone else to help, I wouldn't have bothered you."

"Still, I will need to grab extra supplies from the infirmary. Do you two know of any effective treatment methods?"

Mother shook her head. "None that I have not already attempted."

"I will return shortly then." Chiron walked out with Wonder Woman behind him.

A sigh left my lips and I ran a hand through Percy's hair. "Is she stable?"

Mother's arms wrapped around me. "I believe so my son. My only concern is what could the conflict be?"

Thoughts immediately flooded through my mind.

It could easily be her being torn between fulfilling her duties as a princess and living a normal life.

It could easily be her refusal to tell Chiron and the camps that she is Atlantean and the same with telling our friends she is a demigod.

It could easily be her wishing she had died but at the same time needing to live for everyone who has died.

It could just as easily be from...

It could just as easily be from me.

She is probably unsure on if I truly want her here or if I was the one to ask our king to return her home...

She would be conflicted on if she could trust me or not. She knows that if I lose her trust, I likely will not get it back for a long time, if I ever regain it.

So she would not want to lose faith in me, but she would also want to never believe a word I say again...

"Kaldur, why are you crying?" Mother turned me and rested a hand on the side of my face.

I had not noticed the tears silently falling. I hugged my mother and buried my face in her shoulder.

"I do not want to lose her. It is my job to protect her." My words were muffled but I knew she could understand them.

"Hush my little warrior. It is not your duty alone. It falls upon my shoulders and your shared father's as well. Whatever happens, you must not blame yourself. Blame me first and foremost. I brought the two of you into this world and I will do everything I can to keep you from leaving it."


I was gonna do the reveal this chapter but eh

I'm tired

Also I'm gonna change what I said.

Updates are gonna be on my ORIGINAL update schedule

Heh yeah

Remember way back when I updated on Mondays and Fridays?

Oh yeah, I'm gonna update this book on Mondays and just kinda rotate through my other books

And on fridays I think Fablehaven (and possibly another book idk yet)

But update schedule for a little while


Monday May 13

Aquagirl (technically this is tomorrows) &Decieving Truths (please go read the first book Concealing Shadows, I need feedback)

Friday May 17

Fablehaven & Masquerade

Remind me I have chiropractor that day

Monday May 20

Aquagirl & Different Demitale

Friday May 24


Monday May 27

Aquagirl & Frozen Sea (maybe another book, I have that day off)

Friday May 31

Fablehaven & First Chapter of 2 new books (cause I have issues)& possibly other books

Last day of school


See yah

Aquagirl (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now