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I stared at the cup in my hands. A smoothie. That was all it was. Fruit and yogurt mixed together with protein powder to try to help me get back up to a healthy weight. The light pink liquid didn't look appetizing, reminding me too much of the medicine I had to take when ill. I grimaced and brought the plastic rim to my lips. 

"Kaldur?" said Canary before placing her hand on my shoulder. "I can make you a different kind if you don't like strawberry. It's not really a big deal."

"It is fine. I was...thinking."

She hummed and moved away from me, allowing me to release a sigh. It was not a lie. The truth, however, would not be something she would be happy to hear. I rubbed my thumb along the side of the cup, and I moved my gaze to the wall. The dull throbbing from my gills had not lessened. It would by the end of the day, if things went how they usually did. Though, I took a sip of my drink, the situation was not how it would normally play out. I would not have panicked for one, my gills would not be damaged for another. 

A shudder wracked through my body. I tucked my elbows close to my side, as if that would do anything. Everything I had within me went to maintaining my posture. It was enough that she had given me a jacket, too much even, she did not need to continue worrying. I did not deserve it, especially not from her, not when I all I did was take. Nothing existed which I could do to pay them back. Nothing that they would allow me to give anyway. 

Mother breezed into the room, stopping to pat me on the head and kiss my forehead before leaving. I did not move, did not think to ask where she was going. I did not want to know. My hands were shaking now. Liquid sloshed over the cup and onto fabric. It soaked in as I stared blankly down at it. 

Someone called my name, my head turned and my gaze laid on Canary. She sighed and placed her hands on my shoulders. All the tension in my body loosened its hold. I melted into her touch and allowed a soft whine. 

"I know," she mumbled. "How about I take the jacket home with me real fast, and then I can wash it and give it back to you? Shouldn't take more than an hour or so." My hands, they shook as I brought one up to the zipper. As soon as I took it off, everything would be bad again. No safety, no false sense of security. The bracelet would be oh so visible, and everything would crash in. Above me, Canary stood as a watchful guardian, never moving her hands. But then she did, quickly snatching the cup before it could fall, and gently hushing me upon noticing my flinch. 

Taking a deep albeit shaky breath, I unzipped it. The noise grated against my ears. I slipped out of the jacket and handed it to her. The tremors had spread, wracking the rest of my body. An arm slipped around me, crossing my shoulders as she gave me what could only be considered a hug. She held me there like that, a constant presence  until the shaking abated. She would give it back. It was fine. There was no reason for me to be reacting in this way. 

Slowly, she drew away. "Walk with me," she said. I nodded. There was not much thought in the matter, I pushed myself up and followed after her. The entirety of the Cave laid blanketed with a veil of silence. No sparring, no arguing, no teasing between Artemis. It only confirmed what I knew. The others were not here. In truth, I was thankful for that. They did not need to be involved, they did not need to worry. If I succeed in what I wish, it will be better for them. Because if they are not around me, then they cannot blame themselves. 

Yet Robin would be forced to carry the weight I did not wish him to. My shoulders fell and I ducked my head, moving a step closer to Canary. I know of the circumstances that led to him becoming Robin, know why he took up the mantle, and I know the types of crimes he sees in Gotham. 

I was drawn out of my thoughts when Green Arrow, when did he arrive, pulled the jacket from Canary's hands. In that short moment, my breathing picked up. No. Nonono. Sharp nails dug into my skin, burning pain never enough. Not for the first time did I find myself wanting rid of the increased durability I was born with. 

Canary quickly snatched it back and handed it back to me with a soft 'Little bird' before glaring at Green Arrow. The whites of his mask widened and his mustache drooped with his confused expression. I could feel his gaze on me as I hugged the jacket to my chest. It made sense that it was his, you should give it back. But Canary gave it to me, and she's safe. 

"What-" Green Arrow began before quickly getting cut off with a sharp look. 

"It's a comfort item," she said. "I gave it to him because he needs something to ground him, figured it would be better to do it with something he can actually wear." She sighed and rocked her weight back on her heels. "And if you have a problem with this, I don't have one with making you sleep on the couch for the next month." Canary looked back at me, eyes softening. "I'll bring it right back, okay?"

I nodded, handed it off, and waited until she vanished through a Zeta Tube. Green Arrow stared at me. I said nothing, simply ran through the list of people it would be best to go to before turning and wandering off. 

His eyes still followed. 

I'll probably end up ending this chapter, since it's kinda crappy, but things are very...fun let's say

See yah

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