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"We won't be gone long, a couple days at the longest," said Garth while still holding my head in his lap. Gentle fingers brushed through my hair. "We just need to go pick up our homework from our teachers and show them the techniques we've been learning, then we'll come right back here."

"Maybe you should try teaching me some." I smiled. "It has been quite a while since I was in the Conservatory, and it would be nice to catch up with some of the curriculum."

"I'd ask Tula then. The queen has taken her as a personal student."

Purple eyes trailed over my face, resting on my lips. He leaned down and kissed me. I relaxed into it, tension seeping away and leaving me a puddle. I reached up and ran my fingers over his hair before taking it down from its ponytail. Soft laughter echoed through him and bounced me ever so slightly. The pads of his fingers drew across a bare strip of my stomach before his hand settled over my navel. Mouth pressing harder against mine, Garth hummed. The barest sensation of his tongue flicking across my lower lip reached me. 

My hand cupped the back of his neck, drawing him closer. Something in me pushed me to do this, some want or Aphrodite interfering. Garth broke the kiss, pulled me up, and then returned to it. Every moment, every movement of his hands , slipping higher and higher under my shirt, and his mouth and the way my lips parted against his, it was intoxicating. I didn't want to let go.

Unfortunately, it had to end. A knock at the door had us breaking away, and Garth running his fingers through his hair. With a soft kiss, he got up and left. I sighed. I had a day or two to kill, time where I'd be ignored. Getting up, I had a half a mind to find something to snack on. Dad was happy when I ate. 

"Percy!" I tensed, and only barely prepared myself before a body crashed into mine. Nico wrapped his arms around me, without thought I returned the hug and allowed the smell of wet earth to wrap around me.  I rested my head atop his, too confused to really do anything else. Why was he here? Why? Was he waiting for Garth to leave?

I didn't ask him, and he pulled away from me. His new aviator jacket was over a camp shirt, and his hair was as messy and as tangled as always. Coughing, his gaze moved to the side. "Chiron wants me to bring you to camp for a little bit. He said it might make you a little more comfortable to at least spend a night in your cabin, and Tyson's there too. He said your dad sent him, and we're guessing that means he wants you to go see him."

I nodded, suddenly very glad I was wearing a turtleneck. Nico's hand wrapped around my arm, and he pulled me towards the shadow he emerged from. My stomach leapt into my throat and a slight chill seeped into my bones, before we tumbled out on the porch of the Big House. 

"You shouldn't be shadow-travelling, Nico," said Will, not bothering to get up. His eyes moved to me, taking stock of any injuries he might've been able to see. "You okay, Percy?" I didn't answer. Will sighed, and pushed out of the weathered plastic chair.  "If you ever decide to let me treat those injuries, you know where to find me." He walked away. Nico frowned and tried to tuck himself against my side, only for me to step away, and head off to my cabin. 

It was the same as ever, and I didn't hesitate before opening the door. Bare feet padded over stone. Tyson wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug and he rested his chin on my head. My mind was at war with itself. I wanted to push him away, like I did with Nico and Will and nearly everyone else, but he was still my little brother. My job had not changed, his protection still fell to me. I would not make the same mistakes Kaldur had. 

"I'm okay, Tyson."

"No you aren't."

I sighed and pressed myself further against him. "I'm not hurt that much. I'm mostly healed."

"That doesn't mean that you're okay."

The remaining hours of the day were spent tucked against Tyson's side as he tinkered and talked about everything and nothing. Once it was time for bed, I managed to pry myself away and lay down to sleep. It came easy, aided by the gentle pattern of Tyson's, and by not being in the Cave. Chiron was right. This probably would do me some good. But in the middle of the night, I found myself staring at the bunk above me.  Too long, too long. 

I sighed and sat up, exchanging my staring at the bunk for staring at the shadows dancing on the walls. Tyson's soft breathing filled the air. Weight settled beside me, and I could not help but lean against Dad's side, not alarmed by his sudden appearance. He was finally allowing me to receive affection, I was not going to pass that up. 

Dad brushed his hand over my hair. "He worries about you."

"He should not. It is not his place."

"He sees me worried about you, and it makes him worry. Didn't you used to worry about your brother? And don't you worry about your parents?"

I turned my gaze up to him, silently begging for him to stop. When he didn't continue, I relaxed back onto the mattress. He could keep me safe, whether he would was a different matter, but he could. The bed creaked as he laid down and as he moved me closer. I hummed and nuzzled closer to him. Dad cooed. I blinked and looked at him.

"Despite how I might act, I know what the noises mean." he brushed a hand over my cheek. "A hum for seeking safety, coos for offering it. Honestly, I am quite satisfied with you being comfortable enough to do it at all. Concerned as well, but I think I've had enough concern for the day."

"Why are you concerned?"

"You never exactly liked me before. And it didn't take long for that to change."

"You're the only one who's been paying attention to me." I mumbled, cuddling closer. "Except Garth and Tula, but I need some from my parents you know?" Dad grumbled something under his breath but wrapped his arm around me. Soft kisses pressed against my head. I closed my eyes. I would not question it. Not as long as I was getting this. 

Even if I could wonder about his reasons, it was affection.

Please enjoy this crap, i have a headache and stress

See yah

Aquagirl (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now