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"Let me see."

"Mother, I am fine." I sighed, still not removing my hand from my stomach.

"Percy, you are injured, let Mother see it." Kaldur crossed his arms. "Since you refuse to heal it you should at least allow her to look at it.

I glared at him. "No."

Mother swam over to me and placed a hand on the side of my face. "My daughter, there is so much blood here I am surprised Sha'ark has not-"

I could feel all the blood drain from my face. The water around me swirled violently, throwing Mother away.

"Percy?" Before I knew what was happening, Kaldur had forced my hand away from my wound and held both of my hands in his.

Light spread down his tattoos then up mine. As his emotions washed over me, my breathing evened out and I collapsed into his arms.

He pulled me close to his chest, not commenting as I buried my face in his shirt.

"Mother, do you want to look at the injury while I am holding her?"

I am guessing she nodded because I was soon turned and Mother rested her hand on the cut, trying to stem the blood still flowing.

"Heal it." She mumbled. "Or I will not make any kelpcakes."

I didn't argue, allowing it to heal as I moved to wrap my arms around her.

She gently pulled me away from Kaldur before handing me over to Father, who I hugged tightly.

He held me close to him, running a hand through my hair. "What is it Percy?"

My body shook as tears leaked from my eyes. No words left my lips.

Father sighed and carried me to the room I share with Kaldur. He laid me in my pod before kissing my forehead.  "Do you wish for me to stay?"

I nodded reaching up for him like a child would.

He chuckled and sat on the edge. "My daughter, you have not changed.

I huffed and got up before hugging him, pressing my face into his shoulder.

Father tensed. "Kaldur? Would you come here for a moment?"

"Yes Father?"

"Did you recieve anything on her end when you calmed her?"

Kaldur sighed. "She is more closed off than ever. The only time I truly feel anything from her is if she expressly allows it."

"You are aware I am right here correct?" I spoke, my voice soft.

"I believe they are Percy. Now what is the matter?" Mother asked.

I swallowed and pulled away from Father. "It is nothing."

Mother rested a hand on my face before kissing my forehead. "I do not believe it. Now come along." She took my hand and pulled me through our home until we were in her bedroom.

Knowing what she wanted I went and sat down in the pod. She sat beside me and I laid down, my head in her lap.

It had not been a minute when Kaldur entered the room. "Mother, may-"

"Come here my son." Mother spoke with a soft voice, her fingers running through my hair.

I glanced over at Kaldur as he leaned into Mother's side.

We remained like that for awhile, none of us speaking aside from Mother, who was softly singing a lullaby.

I yawned and shifted, curling up slightly.

"Kaldur, I know it is early but perhaps the two of you should take a nap." Mother suggested, moving me so I was sitting on Kaldur's lap.

He nodded and stood up before swimming to our room.

"My pod or yours?"

"Does it matter?" I mumbled.

"My pod it is."

He laid me down before climbing in beside me.

It did not take long for us to shift into our sleeping position. And it did not take long for him to start asking questions.

"Percy, what was that earlier? I have never seen you so...I have never seen you terrified by Sha'ark in any way, shape, or form. Yet the sheer mention of his name today caused you to react in such a way where you could have hurt Mother."

I swallowed and looked at him, before light sped down my tattoos. I have never tried with dreams and memories before, but I know he can witness my dreams as they occur.

Based off of the expression of pure horror though, I would say it works.

Kaldur quickly pulled me closer, quiet sobs leaving his lips.

"Why...why have you not told me your nightmares are still that bad? I could help you fall-"

"That was the night I returned here. I wished you were here because I would have told you, because we both know there is a possibility of it being a demigod dream and if anything happens to them..." I freed my hand from Kaldur and wrapped my arms around myself. "I...I do not know how long I can continue doing this. Every day the guilt continues to eat away at me. I tell myself they would want me to live, that I need to continue fighting for everyone else, but how am I supposed to keep living when I believe my existence is the reason for their deaths!?"

Kaldur got up without saying a word.

"Really? Here I am pouring-" I cut off as he returned with a blanket, one of the large fluffy ones which Mother would wrap the two of us in when one of us had a nightmare.

I am pretty sure it came from my dad considering his palace is the only place I have ever seen anything similar.

"Do you wish for me to wrap you in this or to cover us with it?"

"Cover." I said.

He nodded and climbed in beside me, letting the blanket drape over us.

He gently pushed some of my hair away from my face before kissing my forehead.

"Percy, I will never allow anyone to harm this family. Mother and Father can handle themselves and we both know your father watches out for them and will not allow harm to come to them. Which leaves me to protect two people. Us."

A small smile lit my face. "Thank you Kaldur."

"It is not an issue. But listen to me, I...I..." He sighed and took my hand. "I want you to rejoin the Team."


This is crap but I wanted family fluff

Also, guys

Did you forget they used Poseidon's Pearls to get out of there?

Cause when I asked a lot of you guys wanted the Team to be with them.

But anyway...

See yah

Aquagirl (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now