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"Percy, there's someone here to see you." Tula said.

I looked up from the Rubik's cube and towards the door where Tula stood. Behind her stood my mother.

Mother walked inside and sat beside me. Neither of us said anything. I hadn't said anything since my little chat with Kaldur.

"My daughter," Mother rested a hand on mine. I flinched away from her. She sighed. "You know I would never harm you."

I looked towards the door, hoping Tula was still there, but she had left and the closed door leered at me, as if it knew how much of an obstacle it was to my escape.

"The king told me that your father paid you a visit."

I moved my stare to her hand, which still covered mine. She gently squeezed my hand. My body started shaking and a couple tears slipped down my cheeks.

"Mommy." I whimpered. I leaned into Mother's side, clutching at her sash. The stones were cool against my skin and so were my tears.

She smoothed my hair and kissed my head. "It is okay. You can cry, you deserve to. After everything you have been through, I do not think even the strictest general would scold you. For now, rest my daughter. Rest your eyes and forget what has been done." She gathered me onto her lap, making a small sound of pain as my bones dug into her. "We need to feed you more, you are nearly all bones."

The mention of food turned my stomach and it was pure force of will that kept me from losing its meager contents. Another whimper left my throat. I clung to her.

"I do not know what your father said to you to make you upset, but you know he was trying to comfort you, in his own misguided way. Gods are not the best when it comes to understanding mortal emotions."

I didn't say anything, no matter how much Mother coaxed me to. At one point she began crying and I covered my ears with my hands, trying to block out the sounds.

I did not want to bear the guilt of making my mother cry. I did not want to face how much worse I made her life by existing.

"Has she spoken to you?"

I tensed up and tightened my grip on Mother.

"One word." She sighed.

Father's footsteps were soft on the floor as he drew closer. He sat beside Mother, and I glanced at him, before pressing my face back to her shoulder. He asked,  "May I?"

I was quickly transferred to his lap. His warm arms surrounded me and despite my distrust of the men who had been around me, I relaxed into his embrace.

That might just show the amount of affection I lack. With Tula being the only one to offer any, and with me unknowing if it is true affection or out of pity makes it less effective than usual.

"My little princess," he said, rubbing my arm. "I do not wish you harm. Trust me. Trust your mother. Now, please, trust us enough to speak to us."

I swallowed and looked up at Father. I opened my mouth to speak but the only thing which emerged was a choked cry. "Daddy..."


My chest constricted at Percy's cry, at her words. She stopped calling me Daddy a long time ago, when she was a little girl. For her to be calling me that now...

"I am right here, princess. I am not leaving you." I glanced at Sha'lain'a and silently asked for her to leave. She nodded and exited the room. The moment she was out the door, I pried Percy away from my chest.

I wiped some of her tears off of her face. I kissed her forehead. My sweet child, not of blood but through bond, she does not deserve this. Neither of them do, but especially Percy.

The moment she could Percy pressed herself back to my chest. Somehow, I managed a small chuckle. "You have always been a daddy's girl."

It was hard to do, to get Percy to lay down. But I managed to do it. It only took me wrapping her in three blankets and securing her so she could not move. She stared at me with a hurt expression.

I placed her puzzle cube on the dresser before climbing onto the bed. "I will be right here. I will protect you. I am your father after all."

In all honesty, I expected her father to immediately strike me down. To kill me for daring to claim that role in Percy's life, even though it is the role I have fulfilled better than he has.

Percy seemed to think that too because she tensed and immediately moved towards me. Her father won't harm her. Not with what has happened to her because of who he happens to be. Because of what he is.


"Yes, princess?"

"I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

Unfortunately, that was all she decided to say. I sighed and pulled her close to my chest. It was disconcerting how thin she was, even with the blankets wrapped around her.

Perhaps I should side with Sha'lain'a instead of our king. Bring them home instead of give them the choice on if they will continue to serve alongside our king. Bring them into an environment where I can keep them safe instead of having them in one under which they were tortured.

I know they are old enough to value their freedom, but part of being a parent is making sure your children are safe. And that is what I want to do. I want them to stay in Shayeris. I want them to be safe from most of the dangers of Percy's demigod life, and as far removed from any of David's plans as possible.

But Kaldur's gills are damaged. If they don't heal properly he might never be able to go undersea again. And who knows what other torture they inflicted on him with his gills being mutilated.

I have half of my scholarships done. Yay!

Also. I got dress number *drumroll*


And why do pictures never show off how nice dresses actually are? It's really pretty irl


I need to add my phone card

See yah

Aquagirl (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now