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I stared at Kaldur, my heart pounding out of my chest. I sighed.

"Where do I begin?" I mumbled.

"Wherever you wish to."

Okay...I can do this. I simply have to pretend that he is Annabeth.

"Right after the first war, right after Rachel became the host of the Oracle, she delivered the next Great Prophecy. We thought it would happen out of our lifetimes, given that it had taken several decades for the first one to come to pass. Unfortunately, that was not the case."

I paused to take a steadying breath before I continued. "Seven half-bloods shall answer the call. To storm or fire the world must fall. An oath to keep with a final breath, as foes bear arms to the Doors of Death. We naturally believed foes referred to Greeks and Romans, since the camps fighting led to the American Civil War. I was... chosen to be the exchange from the Greek side."

Kaldur stood up and without a word he locked the door. Then he climbed back onto the bed.

"I became praetor and all was good for a little while. And when the Argo II came, I was reunited with Annabeth. Everything was awesome. Then we started discussing the prophecy. While we were, Ella started spewing out another prophecy. And I definitely was not going to ignore it. Not with how the other piece of a prophecy went. To the north, beyond the gods lies the legions crown, falling from ice daughter of Neptune shall drown...I...I disregarded it. I'm Atlantean and Poseidon's child. And I almost died." My hands clenched into fists and I clenched my eyes shut. "I almost died because how could the daughter of Poseidon drown?"

I could feel Kaldur cup my face and I opened my eyes.

"Percy, you are stalling."

"I know."

"Then continue with what you are supposed to tell me."

I sighed and nodded. Kaldur dropped his hands to his lap, picking at the material of his pants.

"Annabeth looked near horrified at what Ella said. It was close to the look which overcomes her at the mention of a spider. I knew she had some idea of what the prophecy was about...I did not know how much until later. We headed to Rome, and she had to set off on her own quest as we rescued Nico. We both...succeeded. But there was a cost for our success. As we were loading up what she was after, she started getting pulled...a web was wrapped around her ankle and it was pulling her straight into hell."

I sat for a minute, trying to let Kaldur process the information before adding the next bit.

"I went with her."

Kaldur's head snapped up and stared at me.

I turned away from him and rubbed at my arm. "We were doing good. We needed someone on the inside to close the doors anyway. So we drank from the River of Fire and kept going...until the living curses appeared. Every one of them you killed a curse was enacted upon you...Annabeth was blinded. I was poisoned. Just as I thought we were going to die, something scared them away and saved us. Saved us to..." I wrapped my arms around myself, tears beginning to well.

I struggled to form the words and I felt as if I was a broken record. Tears were now rolling down my cheeks and my attempts to brush them away were all in vain.

"Hush..." Kaldur mumbled, pulling me close to him. "Hush now. You are safe. I will not allow anyone to harm you."

My fingers dug into him and I could not stop myself from sobbing. Kaldur gently rubbed my back, pressing an occasional kiss to the side of my head.

"What did they do to you?" He whispered as he held me. "What did they do to you, my baby sister?"

It was only after I had somewhat calmed that I could respond yo him.

"I...do not want to tell you."

"Then show me." He linked our hands together.

I stared at our joined hands before looking back up at Kaldur. I swallowed and shook my head.

Kaldur's shoulders fell and he lowered his head. "I only wish to help you."

"I know. I know but I- I- I- I promised."

"This is not breaking a promise for a trivial reason, this is for your own well being. Do you understand?"

Nodding, I squeezed Kaldur's hands. A brief burst of light darted along our tattoos and his relief flooded through my veins.

"The person who rescued us...was not mortal nor a person. And he did not save us out of the goodness of his heart. He- he tortured us." My voice softened at the end and I flinched backwards, expecting some sort of retribution from Kaldur.

In the military we were taught that in the case of capture and torture, we were to either escape immediately or kill ourselves in order to prevent our knowledge from falling into enemy hands. And I did neither of those things.

Shock overcame Kaldur's expression. He stared at me with wide eyes. I stared back, fear in my eyes.

"No...no, do not be scared. Not of me." Kaldur said. "But how...how did he-"

Shaking my head, I got up and walked to my dresser. I guess the sedative wore off.



"How did he-"


"Godsdammit Percy! Answer the question!" Kaldur shot to his feet and shoved me into the wall. "What did he do to you?"

"He bought me ice cream. It was torture Kaldur! Do you expect it to have been sunshine and rainbows?!"

A knock at the door interrupted our conversation and I sighed in relief.

"Hey guys? Batman and Aquaman want to talk to you." Wally said.

I swallowed. "We will be right out." I tried to push past Kaldur but he rested a hand on my shoulder.

"We are not done here." He said.

"Yes we are."


I need to study for a test on Tuesday but I'm just going to add stuff to a quizlet and hope that works out well

I have no idea how my professor words the questions so if he asks who is John B Watson

I can say he was the founder of behaviorism

But if he asks which of these spies to behaivorism... that will not end well.


How'd you like the chapter?


See yah

Aquagirl (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now