Saving Up For Our Lives

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     We have been in our new home now for awhile. We had gotten us a TV and some of Billie’s family gave us a few things to put in the baby’s room. We had a few jars set up in our room for money. One labeled bills; one labeled Coffee table; and one labeled crib. Most of the money goes into the crib and bills. Sometimes when the boys come over, they place some change in the crib jar. They’re all so sweet and supportive of me and Billie. I stood in the doorway of the baby room with my hand over my belly. I was 4 months pregnant and I will be getting an ultra sound to find out what we are having today. I’m so excited! I looked at the walls figuring out different designs for each gender. I then looked at the few toys and things. Billie’s sister was nice enough to give us a few of her old baby stuff, her son was now 3. She gave us her white changing table with matching rocking chair, along with a yellow mobile for a crib. She couldn’t give us her crib because it was one of those that changed into a toddler bed so she still used it. I heard Billie pull in. I walked to the front door and stood waiting. As soon as he walked in. I threw my arms around him and kissed him on each cheek and then all over his face before meeting his lips.

“Well hey baby, I missed you too.” He smiled and gave me another kiss. “I like being greeted like this after only being gone to the store for 10 minutes.” I kept my hands around his neck.

“Good! You better get used to it!” I smiled.

“So can we go now?” He rubbed on my belly.

“My appointments not for another hour silly.”

“Yeah but it takes maybe 15 minutes to get there, and who knows we can probably get back sooner.” I could tell he was excited, I couldn’t blame him I was too. I thought for a minute then smiled.

“Ok!” he hurried to the car but I had to grab my jacket. I locked and shut the door. I jumped in the car. Billie backed us out and we started down the road. I grabbed his hand and held it all the way there. When we got there we had 35 minutes before my appointment. I signed in then sat in the soft chair beside Billie. He leaned his head toward me and I met it with the side of mine. He turned and I turned kissing him on the lips.  

“So what you having?” I looked to see a brown headed lady in front of me. She already had a little girl who looked about four sitting beside her. She had short curly blonde hair. I could only assume she took after her father.

“Oh I don’t know yet but I’ll find out today!” I smiled rubbing my little baby bump. Billie smiled and grabbed my hand. “You?”

“Oh I still have a month before I find out.” She smiled. “I can tell you guys are really happy and love each other.”

“Yes we do.” Billie said kissing my cheek.

“That’s good, don’t ever lose that love. The first few months with a new baby is hard and you’ll be pulling each other’s hair out but..” She looked to her daughter. “It’s all worth it!” She twiddled with a curl then looked back to me smiling. “And much easier if you love each other and work together.” I smiled and looked to Billie.

“Oh I’m definitely putting him to work when the baby’s born.” He rubbed his nose against mine smiling. We turned back to the lady.

“Got any names picked out?”

“Not yet, we were mostly just waiting till we found out what it is. We um… had some difficulty the first time I was pregnant.., so our main focus was just keeping the baby healthy.” She looked at me a bit sad nodding.

“Miscarriage?” I nodded. Billie’s smile was gone. “Yeah that’s always hard. I had one before I got pregnant with little Lucy here. Then again afterwards, but now this baby will hopefully stay healthy. So far so good.”

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