Our Humble Abode

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      Before I could even buy my plane ticket to Washington, mom had already sent my clothes with a note that said: Have a nice life. My doctor’s appointment was set up and the meeting went 100 times better than the first. We all were nervous but Dr. Hoover said our baby was fine with a healthy heartbeat everything was going so well.

(Billie POV)

 I got a small picture of my little jelly bean, I was so happy and on top of the world! I couldn't wait to show the boys. The doc said that Kendra’s due date sometime around April; we would get a better date later. He gave her these huge horse pills to keep the baby healthy too. Mike and Tre were excited also. I told them they could be the uncles. I knew with a baby now we couldn't keep living at moms so I did the only thing that I could to make money; music. Several days a week we would go to venues and play, and I would save my part of the cash in my drawer for our future home. I kept my picture of my cute little jelly bean on my guitar, and I was proud every time someone asked. I can't wait to find out what we are having.

(Kendra POV)

 "Billie baby! Are you ready?" I yelled standing at the door with my coat on. Me and Billie are actually going on our first real date! I'm so excited.

 "Yeah sorry I just had to grab my keys." He ran up to me and kissed my cheek.

"Be careful you too." His mom yelled. I love Mrs. Armstrong to death but I can’t wait to have a place for just me, Billie, and the baby.

 "We will mom, love ya." Billie grabbed my hand and we walked to the car. He opened the door for me but before I got in he rubbed on my stomach. I smiled and gave him a kiss. I was 2 and a half months pregnant so I was showing but only a little. It was more like I was slightly bloated. We went on our way to a nice steak house. Yes I've been to nicer but in this town this was fancy feasting, and I loved it! We talked about everything from who would do nights with the baby and names.

"I had a great time babe, best date ever!" I said giving him a kiss. He smiled

"It was, wasn't it." I nodded. We got in the car and headed home, but started making some unfamiliar turns.

 "Where are we going?"

 "It's a surprise." he said smiling keeping his eyes on the road. We pulled into a driveway. I saw a white trailer from the headlights it was kind of dark so I couldn't see much of it.

 "Who lives here?"

"You'll see." he smiled getting out. He ran to my Side and helped me out. He put his arm around me hugging on to me. I wrapped my arm around his waist as we approached the porch. We stopped at the door. We stood there a few seconds.

"Billie, aren't you going to knock?"

 "No I don't have to." he looked to me smiling as he reached in his pocket. He pulled out a gold key and stuck it in the door.

 "Billie..." I looked to him smiling. He pushed the door open and we stepped in. He flicked on a light switch. My jaw dropped and I looked around smiling in shock. There was a small bedroom and bathroom to the right with a closet. We were standing in an open room that I could only assume was a living room, then the kitchen to the left and a master bedroom past the kitchen.

"Now, I know this is nothing compared to what your use to living in but this is a start." I turned to him excited.

 "Billie is this our new home?!"

 "yeah, that is if you like it?"

 "I love it!" I wrapped my arms around him hugging him. "It’s perfect." I looked up and he bent down and kissed me.

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