Decisions, Decisions

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“He should be home in a bit, so that will give us some time to catch up! How has everything been?” Mrs. Armstrong said sitting down beside me.

“Oh um... I’ve been great. I got back into school and graduated two months ago.”

“That’s good. I’m so proud of you! You know, the last time I heard about you it was when you called several months ago to tell me Happy Mother’s Day. That’s the last I’ve heard about you.” What? So he didn’t even tell her about coming up to see me or anything. Hmmm boy is he going to be in for a surprise when he comes in.

“Oh yeah I was really busy preparing for graduation and stuff.” She nodded. “So what has he done for the past few weeks?”

“Well besides getting a girlfriend he has went around on tour to a few nearby venues. Their band’s doing great.” Yeah I bet, and I bet he’s out getting others pregnant.

“He mention anything about going to Washington?” She shook her head. That bastard!

“He didn’t tell me you were coming.”

“Well he actually didn’t know that I was coming either.” I smiled. She nodded. We turned to the kitchen doorway when we heard the front door shut. Billie walked straight to the fridge without even noticing me and his mom sitting there. He disappeared behind the fridge door. When he closed it he had a milk carton tilted back drinking out of it. He turned to see me looking at him with evil eyes, and he instantly choked. Milk flew from his mouth as he coughed into the carton bending over.

“Billie! I’ve told you before to use a glass! look at this mess.” She stood up and grabbed a few napkins.

“Kendra! You’re here and talking to my mother…” He started out smiling but it slowly faded. Yeah now you know that I know what the hell’s up.

“Yes, she told me you were out with your 4 month old girlfriend Tia, so I figured we’d sit here and chat about things." I smiled still giving him a look letting him know I knew.

“Uh… I um…”

“Look I’ll give you two some time to talk I’m going to go down to the One Stop and get some more milk.” I stood smiling and told Mrs. Armstrong bye. I was standing in front of Billie. He turned his head toward the door and watched his mother leave. When the door shut I started hitting his chest.

“How could you just use me like that! I can’t believe you lied to me!” He was trying to cover by ducking but I kept hitting. “You BASTARD!”

“Ah! Kendra wait! Just stop and I’ll explain.” He grabbed my arms as I was preparing to hit.

“Well you better start explaining!” I was pissed.

“I will! Look I never told my mom me and Tia broke up!”


“Well let me explain just don’t interrupt.” I jerked my arms from him and crossed them. “She would never stop talking about you. The only time she did was when I had a girlfriend, so when we broke up I wasn’t prepared to hear more about you so I just never told her.”

“Why would you not want to talk about me?”

“Because Kendra I cared so much for you and I still do! And every time she spoke about you it just reminded me of everything that I wanted to forget. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again. Every time mom said your name it made me hate myself for letting you leave.” I started to tear up. He looked very sincere. “I’m really sorry you had to hear mom’s side before I could warn you but I didn’t know you were coming.” I nodded and wiped my nose. He put his arms around me. “I’m really happy to see you though.” I hugged him. I let him go then smiled to him. “So why are you here?”

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