Yep, This Is Awkward.

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      I woke up the next day feeling like shit. I slowly open my eyes. I was still lying on the couch. I looked down and I was naked. Part of a cover was under me. I looked to the floor to see the rest draped across the boy from last night. Shit what was his name? Oh yeah! Bobby! No… dammit. Billie! He was out like a light. I didn’t want to wake him so I eased off the couch and found my clothes scattered. I picked them up and put them on as quietly as possible. I found my phone in the floor were my pants laid. I picked it up and quietly left. I have to find Anna. I step over several bodies as I made my way down stairs. The light was kind of bright so I squinted. It didn’t really help my headache. I looked at my phone. It was 12:13. I had a message from Anna.

Anna: Going with Mike to his place, have a good time with Billie ; )

Damn. She was my ride home. Well at least I knew how to get to my aunts from here. I stepped outside and the sun was brighter than ever. I shielded my eyes and started walking. It wasn’t long before I had to stop and puke in some bushes. It was horrible. Finally I’m back. My aunt was gone so I had to climb in through the guest window where I had been staying. I grabbed some clothes and decided to take a bath.

(Billie’s Pov)

I woke up and I was alone. I sat up and looked around. Hmm I wonder where that girl Kendra went? I really liked talking with her. And making out. I got up and went to find my clothes. I pulled them on and stepped out. My head hurt but only a little, I actually didn’t drink as much as I usually do. I went to the kitchen to see if she was there. Nope. I looked at the time on the stove, 12:42. I stepped to the living room and scanned the bodies lying around. Nope. I found Tre and woke him. I pulled him up and helped him out the door. I was going to take him home. Where the hell is Mike and the truck? I pulled out my phone and looked.

Mike: Sxy X wth Anna! L8r…

    Great! He took the truck and left. Well guess were walking home. I helped Tre along the side walk. When we got to the fourway and stopped to watch for traffic, I smelled something horrible. I looked beside me and saw fresh vomit lying across the top of some bushes. “That’s fucking gross.” Tre started to gag and quickly ran to the other side decorating the bush even more. Oh dear god. I helped him back to the sidewalk and took him home. He couldn’t get his key in so I unlocked the door for him. Thank god his dad wasn’t home or he’d be in the shit hole. I figured I’d clean up there since I was already there before heading home. I wonder what happened to Kendra. She’s probably packing for Washington now. It’s a shame, I actually liked her. Hopefully I’ll see her again sometime.

-A Month Later-

(Kendra POV)

I Cant believe I got kicked out of my mom’s house. She’s supposed to help me not throw my too the curb! I can still hear her screechy voice: This is your entire fault, and you’re making our family look bad. Luckily with some convincing my aunt allowed me to stay with her for a few days. Man, I’m hungry. I stepped in to a diner and walked to the counter to look at the menu.

“Hi how can I help you?”  I looked to see an older lady with a pen and notepad ready to write.

“Hi.. um.. I think I’ll have a water and a bbq sandwich?”

“Sure thing dear, what two sides would you like?” She asked writing.

“Fries, and the small bowl of fruit.”

“Coming right up just have a seat dear.” She smiled I smiled and thanked her then pulled a stool out from under a counter. She brought me a glass of ice water then checked out a couple. After they walked off she told them bye and wiped the counter with a rag. She wiped off in front of my pulling the left over crumbs toward her. "Sorry honey just wanting to clean this off.”

“That’s ok,” I smiled.

“So what brings you in town? I haven’t seen you around here before.”

“Well it’s kind of a weird story.”

“I’m sure I’ve heard worse.” She smiled and I smiled back.

“Well I was here a month ago on my birthday so me and a friend went to a party were I met this awesome guy. We got drunk and things happened. When I got back home it wasn’t long before my mom kicked me out.”

“That’s horrible why?”

“Because I found out I was pregnant, so now I’m back here.”

“Oh dear child you’re so young. Let me get you that bowl of fruit.”

“Ok.” She stepped to a fridge and pulled out a small bowl and placed it beside me. I picked up a mellon cube and bit into to it.

“So now you’re staying with the baby’s daddy?”

“Well no actually I had to beg my aunt to let me stay with her. I’m trying to find him.”

“Do you know where he lives?”

“No… I don’t even know his last name.” She made a face, and I looked down in shame.

“Well… what’s his first name? Maybe he’s been here. I know half the kids in this town.”

“Billie.” She laughed a little nervous. A bell dinged so she got my plate and brought it to me. She disappeared in the back then came back to me with a picture. She showed it to me, it was Mike, Billie, and that drummer kid. “That’s him! I pointed to his face.” She started coughing.

“Oh dear god.”

“Do you know him?”

“That’s Billie Joe Armstrong… He’s my son.” I nearly choked on a fry. Holy fucking shit, this is awkward!  

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