A Little Ditty

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    Weeks went by and an ultrasound was taken every other week. I was getting closer to my due date, yet the lesion weren’t getting any smaller. Thankfully they weren’t getting any bigger. I tried to keep myself occupied so I wouldn’t worry or stressed so much about it. When I do slip I think Billie notices and he does everything he can to make me feel better. I’m so lucky and thankful to have him in my life. He’s such a great husband and a great father to our children. I just hate it when he has to leave. Although Joey isn’t quite old enough to understand his dad is gone months a time, Kat knows and it breaks her heart. I know it breaks his too. She’s such a daddy’s girl.

“Babe I turn her right?” He asked bringing me out of thought. I pulled my head from the passenger window.

“Oh, yeah. Then make a left at the red light and the studio is on the right.” I said pointing. He nodded.

“Daddy don’t make us late!” Kathy said from the back.

“We still have fifteen minutes babe.” He said glancing in the mirror I smiled. After their deal in the past, we signed Kathy up for that dance. She had been going three times a week after school and today is there first show. They not doing competitions for another month. They just want to show off the children to their parents.

“Daddy you know I don’t know anything about time yet!”

“We have time Kitten, don’t stress.” I said turning to her. I smiled and she smiled to me making the glitter on her cheeks sparkle. She had her hair in pigtails with sparkly bands, and I let her wear some chapstick that gave her lips a hint of pink. The studio isn’t big on making the children wear makeup, which is a good thing, but I figured chapstick wouldn’t hurt and glitter on her cheeks.

“I love you mommy.”

“I love you too sweetie.” She smiled some more.

“Hey! What about me!?” Billie said looking in the mirror. She giggled.

“I love you to daddy!” I turned to him smiling.

“And I love you!” He said back to her. Joey was to into watching veggietales on the small screen behind my head rest. I looked ahead and felt Billie’s hand slide on my lap. I grabbed his hand without looking and our fingers laced. It made me smile.

“Alright we’re here!” He said turning us in.

“Yay!” Kat said raising her hands.

“Yaaaay!” Joey repeated copying his sister. We all giggled and got out of the car. Kat grabbed her bag and ran to the door.

“Wait a second!” I yelled to her. She stood holding the strap as I waddled, yes waddled, to her. I heard the car door shut and turned to see Billie following with Joey and the diaper bag. I opened the door and we walked in. I signed her in and we stepped to another door to a big auditorium with a stage up front. There were already a few girls talking and doing a few dance moves as they waited for others.

“Lilly!” Kat yelled running to her.

“Kat!” they ran to each other smacking into a hug. “You best get changed!” Lillian said stepping back. She already had her dance outfit on. It was a black leotard and a silver tutu. The collar was lined with silver sequins. Kats was in her back. Lillian’s hair was styled the same as Kathy’s with the familiar sparkly bows. She looked to me.

“Ok, lets go.” I put my hand on Kat’s back as she started walking to the back stage area. I turned to see Billie take a seat bouncing Joey on his knee. When we made it to the curtain area I helped Kat change into her outfit. Lillian peeked in.

Please Take My Hand (A BJA FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora