They Call Him Danger

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“Wahhhhh,” the sound of a childs scream was the last thing I heard just before collapsing back on the bed. I stared at the ceiling and heard everyone talking about Jakob. Darkness started to cave in as I felt Billie and Ollies hand release mine.


My eyes lit up at the sight of little Jakob. I stepped to the end of the bed with mom to get a good look at him. They wiped him down with a towel and quickly wrapped him. I was all smiles till I turned to see Kendra lying, staring. She looked drunk.  “Kendra?” My smile faded and I hurried to her grabbing her hand. I wiped her forehead and bent over her. “Kendra baby are you ok?” She blinked slowly and looked to me. Her eyes moved slowly and she was breathing heavily. I don’t remember her ever looking like this. A nurse made it over and checked her blood pressure and heart rate.

“Kendra, honey I need you to tell me how you feel?” The nurse asked looking into her eyes. I glanced at the nurse and then Kendra worried. I pulled her hand to my chest. She went to speak but stopped and licked her lips.

“We…weak….Tired…. Pass out..” The nurse nodded.

“What wrong with her?” I quickly looked at doctor Hoover who made it over.

“She just had a baby, she just needs some fluids and rest. I see this all the time.” He didn’t seem to worried but it didn’t ease my own thoughts as much. I looked across the room to see mom standing with Jakob as they were bathing him under a heat lamp. “Nurse, hook some fluids to her IV.” The nurse nodded and started moving. Another nurse had come in and started cleaning and changing Kendra. I helped with her legs which were like limp noodles at this point from the epidural. I could hear Jakob letting out cries. He was 6 pounds 2 oz. almost a preemie. He was too small for his cries to be too loud. The nurse handed him to mom and she stepped to me.

“Wanna hold your little boy daddy?” A tear nearly slipped from my eye.

“Do I?’ I said sarcastically reaching. I sat partially on the bed by Kendra. I looked to him and bounced a little trying to calm him. “It’s ok son. Welcome to the world little Jakob.” I chuckled out happily. He calmed at the sound of my voice. He must have recognized it. We’ve all talked to him since we found out Kendra was pregnant. I looked to Kendra. She was looking at us with a partial smile. She was very tired. “hey kiddo, mommy wants to see you. I know you’ll love her.” I said adjusting him in my arms. I got up and lay him in Kendra’s left arm. She slowly reached the over resting her hand on top of his stomach that was bundled in a blanket. I pulled the chord of her IV so it wouldn’t pull from her hand. I could tell she was getting some strength back.

“Hey honey, you’re so handsome.” She said softly looking at him. “Just like your father.” I smiled proudly. She grinned and looked up to me. I bent down and kissed her tired lips. “I love you both,” She said.

“And we love you.” I said back resting on my arm by her and Jakob.

“Here’s his birth certificate to fill out,” I heard a nurse say. I looked up and mom waved it then sat it by a bed Jakob would be laid in. I looked to Kendra and mom stepped over.

“You feeling any better?”

“Yeah a little. I don’t feel like I want to pass out anymore.”

“That’s good.” Mom replied.

“Need anything?” I asked.

“A cup of water would be nice.” I nodded and sat up.

“I’ll get some,” a nurse said before walking out.

“Ok, I have to go deliver another baby Kendra. A nurse will stay in here for a while, I’ll be back later ok?”

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