A Little Play Time

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    The week had come and gone. My doctor visit was no different than last visit. The spots on poor Jakob’s heart and brain hadn’t gone away; thankfully they haven’t gotten any bigger either. Dr. Hoover set me up an appointment to see him in two weeks. I feel this is going to continue on until I have little Jakob. Billie has been such a great help to me. I love him so much and he loves me. He’s also been patient and helping around the house more; mostly because I can only do so much now. I feel like a penguin walking around. Just a few more months I keep telling myself. Me and Billie have agreed to hold off on the love making until after. It was something he was worried about and even though I know it killed him inside to bring the topic up I knew it was probably best considering the situation. I do like to tease him every now and then though; poor thing. He’s also being extra protective like when I was pregnant with Kathy, always by my side and helping me in the shower. Not to complain, but sometimes it makes me feel like I’m completely helpless, I mean I love that he’s helping but when it comes to me peeing I really don’t need someone standing their guarding. Joey’s usually in his arms to so now my son feels the need to watch me pee. I really hope he gets out of that habit. As far as Kathy goes she thinks everything’s fine, and that’s the way it going to be. Like Billie said Jakob is fine, he will pull through. I hope.

“Mommy mommy!” Kathy said running from Billie’s hand to the car. We were picking her up from school.

“Hey baby!” She ran to the passenger window and climbed up giving me a kiss. She had a paper in hand.

“Alright you’re going to scratch the side. Come on in the back.” Billie said opening the door.

“Kat.” Joey said as she climbed into her booster seat.

“Hey Joey!” She said. Billie strapped her in and shut the door.

“What was that paper Kitten?” I asked looking at her from the mirror in my visor

“Oh!” She handed it to the front and I grabbed it. “It’s something the teacher gave us. It’s a dance place. Lilly’s doing it and I want to do it too!” Billie got in his seat and shut the door.

“Oh… ok. Are you sure?”

“Uh huh!”

“About what?” I handed Billie the paper. “$350 for tuition, from January to May. Hmmm I don’t know baby what kind of dance is it?” We both looked to her.

“Well she said it was mixed dance.”

“Mixed dance?” Billie asked.

“Yeah, y’know, ballet and hip hop and jazz.” She threw out jazz hands making me smile. Billie still had an unsure look. She laced her hands begging. “Please, please please, daddy? I’ll love you forever and ever!”

“What you don’t love me now?” She chuckled.

“Yeah, but I really really want to! Several girls in my class are doing it.” I smiled. Billie looked at me for an answer. I just smiled and shrugged. I thought it sounded like a good idea. “Daddy remember how you said.. that I cant have a boyfriend till I’m married? Because you don’t want me too.”

“Yeah,” He smiled devilishly knowing where she was going with this.

“Well I’ll never ever get a boyfriend.” He lit up.

“You promise??” I pushed at his shoulder.

“I promise! But you gotta let me dance.” He looked to me smiling.

“You hear that? Alright its set in stone.” I rolled my eyes. He will never let her forget about this when she’s older. He looked back to her. “Alright you can dance.” She squealed in joy.

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