chapter XXVII

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                     ·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

I placed my computer on a nearby table as I turned to face Kylo. He had my lightsaber in his hand.

"Here, I trust you won't use it against me." He bluntly said

I grabbed it from his hand.

"Now attack me." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"I need to see how skilled you are in using the lightsaber. I know you've trained to some extent." He answered.

I hesitantly turned on the lightsaber. He nodded for me to start. I began to try to hit him. He blocked me every single time. This went on for a while. I would try to overpower him, but he would quickly block me. I was exhausted as I called for a break. I went over to the wall and sat down, sliding down against the wall.

"Aren't you tired?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.

"No, why?" he asked.

He didn't show any sign of tiredness.

"You'll get used to it eventually." He said.

He came over and sat next to me.

"What was your childhood like?" he questioned.

"My childhood?" I said.

"Yeah, you seem to have had a very different experience than me." He said, waiting.

"Well I had a good childhood. I had two loving parents and a little sister. I always knew I was adopted but it didn't matter. They were family and that's all that mattered." I said, looking at Kylo.

He was listening intently. He looked almost human.

"I had everything I could have ever asked for, but I wanted more. It sounds selfish and it probably is, but I never wanted material things. I knew there was something greater that was out there. I think I might've found it." I managed a laugh.

"Mom visited quite often, although, I didn't know it was her. I spent my days carefree. It was kind of lonely sometimes as I was very sheltered my entire life and I'd say Poe was my first real friend. I never would have thought my life would have changed this much." I finished.

"You're lucky. I was sent away to train with Luke Skywalker and he turned on me. The only person who I thought I could trust. That's when I found the dark side and joined it." He shared.

"It was to protect you. They didn't want you to turn." I said.

"I didn't need to be protected. I needed a family." He said.

"Ben..." I said touching his hand.

He moved away when I said his name. I paused, thinking.

"I'm glad I met you." I said, trying to look in his eyes.

"Why do you care so much about family? They would turn on you so why do you care?" he asked.

"I don't know. I think it's important to love others and be loved. Family gives you that..." I trailed off.

"I know our father is dead. I felt it but I just wish I could have met him. Mom wouldn't talk about him, especially not about his death. So, I don't know much." I said.

Ben wouldn't look me in the eye when I mentioned our father.

"Do you know about his death?" I asked.

I felt Ben shift as a negative energy filled the air.

"Ben?" I questioned.

"y/n, I don't think you want to know." He said.

"Yes, I do." I answered.

"It was me. I killed Han Solo." He muttered.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Please leave any feedback and vote on the chapter! :)

I almost didn't post this week but I managed to do it today.

I truly am not over Han's death but what can I do.

Written in the Stars || General Hux x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now