chapter XXI

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Being in the ship that belonged to my father was everything I could have ever dreamed of. Poe said it was only fit for me to fly the ship with Chewie and so I did. I was more than nervous but I had the best Co-pilot one could have. It was a surreal experience piloting the ship that had escaped countless people. It was even more meaningful when I realized I was sitting in the seat where my father sat in all of those journeys and missions.

We made it safely to Louloúdi and decided to land far away from the city and the palace to avoid the storm troopers. I got out of the ship to finally feel solid ground once again. I breathed in as I smelled the lush greenery that covered my planet. It felt good to be back but as I looked into the distance, I saw destruction. We began to walk closer. Surprisingly, there weren't many storm troopers which made everything a lot easier. As we stepped into the city, I began to see what had become of the place I loved so dearly. There was not a soul on the streets except for the occasional wandering animal. The buildings were either burned to the ground or left half-standing. I shuddered at the sight of what had taken place on that night. They destroyed everything. I was angry. This was never meant to happen. They wanted me, the destruction of my people and my planet was a second thought. I cried quietly as we walked the streets leading up to the palace in silence. Poe must have taken notice because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

Passing each building I could almost see the people who lived there. The people who I grew up around, whose children I grew up with. My heart felt like it would give up on me as I passed by what remained. All that was left was distant whisper of those who lived there once. I wondered how many of them escaped and I hoped it was the majority. We made it to the castle steps and as I gazed at my childhood home, it felt like my heart was being stabbed. I shook my head trying to keep it together and turned to face our group.

"Remember we are here to find survivors, my sister, and those documents." I said.

"I think we should split up. We could cover more ground like that." Finn pointed out.

"That's a terrible idea!" 3PO protested.

"No, he's right. We need to do this as fast as we can." Poe said.

We decided that we would split up into groups of 2. Poe and I paired up as R2 and 3PO stayed together. Rose and Chewie paired up and BB-8 and Finn were the last group.

"Stay safe everyone and if you find anything let the others know." Poe said.

"Oh dear, I don't know what compelled me to join this mission." 3PO said as we all went our separate ways.

Chewie groaned at C-3PO's complaining.

We spent the day trying to find any clues as to where the survivors could be or where any official documents could be but to no avail. You would have thought that no one ever lived there. As I walked the halls, I remembered my life before. It was better than anything I could have ever asked for. I always had everything I ever needed, and never did I once have a hard time. I lived a "perfect" life, but I never stopped dreaming about more. I didn't want material things, although they were nice to have, I wanted adventure. I wanted my existence to mean something to others. I thought my life would lead to me ruling Louloúdi which I greatly wanted but I also had a need to explore the galaxy.

After searching inside, Poe and I decided to go out into the garden. It was already nighttime as I looked up and saw the stars shining brighter than ever.

"I never get tired of seeing the stars." I said.

"They are mesmerizing." Poe replied.

"I remember lying on that bench for hours at night, just counting the stars. I wondered if one day someone would actually be able to count all the stars in the universe." I reminisced.

"I don't think that would ever be possible." Poe chuckled next to me as I continued looking up.

"I know. The stars shift as our futures change. I dreamt of the day I could finally read what they wanted to say." I said.

"What do you mean?" Poe asked.

"I believe the stars hold our stories. All I ever wanted was for the stars to show me my path. To lead me in the right direction and assure me of my future." I smiled looking back at Poe.

He was staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked making a face.

"Me? Oh, I was just thinking about how much you look like the Hutts." Poe laughed.

"Poe!" I exclaimed.

"I mean the resemblance is uncanny." He chuckled.

"That's funny coming from someone who looks like a Fathier birthed them." I remarked.

"Ouch! That one hurt!" he grinned.

We looked at each other until BB-8 came whizzing around the corner.

"We should probably get inside and get some rest." He said.

I decided to go back to my old room to sleep. I looked around my room and saw that it was a mess. Tables were turned and books were thrown everywhere. I picked up as much as I could. I got to my dresser to see it had been looked through, but nothing was taken. Suddenly, a small box caught my attention. I took it out and remembered it was where I kept my small, meaningful trinkets. I took off my gloves and opened it up to find different pieces of jewelry and other things in it. I took them out and looked at them until I got to a bracelet. I paused as I realized it was the bracelet Poe gave me the night we met. He made a corny joke something along the lines of "a beautiful piece of jewelry for a gorgeous girl." I knew from then that he was a jokester. I smiled at the fond memories.

"You kept it." Poe said from behind me in disbelief.

"Poe!" I said, turning to face him.

He scared me half to death.

"Sorry, I thought you heard me walk in." he said, moving closer.

He grabbed the bracelet from my hands and looked at it.

"I thought you got rid of it when I left." He said.

"I couldn't. It was a bad reminder sometimes, but it holds so many memories. So many moments lost in time." I shared.

Poe sat at the foot of the bed as I joined him. He was still looking at it.

"What I would give to go back." He sighed.

I outstretched my left hand so he could put on the bracelet. He looked up at me confused as I signaled to put it on. He delicately put it on me.

"Why do I feel like we aren't going to see each other for a long time?" I asked.

   ─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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