chapter XI

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I woke up the next morning to silence. It was a calm morning, a normal one. This was strange to experience after being here for a month or two. I got up and got dressed as usual. I then, walked to the cafeteria for some breakfast. It seemed like breakfast was the only normal thing I did every day. I saw Rey and decided to approach her.

"Rey!" I shouted.

She turned around to face me, "y/n!"

"You look like you're having a pleasant morning." I said.

"It's a weirdly calm morning but yes." She answered.

We sat down at a table.

"After yesterday everything feels like it's finally falling into place." I said, beaming with joy.

I was beyond happy that I had made up with Poe and finally found a spot here.

"I'm glad you two made up." She paused, suddenly.

We looked at each other confused. There was something near.

"I feel it too." I sputtered.

All of a sudden, we heard a loud bang coming from outside the ship. Everyone was frozen. We were all holding our breaths.

"We're under attack! There is a First Order cruiser nearby!" Finn said, clearly out of breath.

Rey and I looked at each other before running to help.

"Stay safe. Use what you have learned." Rey said to me before running in the opposite direction.    

It seemed like everyone knew exactly what to do in these situations, but I was not prepared at all. It seemed like all the fighting was happening outside of our cruiser. I ran towards the bridge. I didn't know what to think but I had to help in some way.

When I walked in, I saw everyone at their stations trying to direct attacks and help the pilots defeat the TIEs. I saw Leia at a nearby computer with two other people.

"General, how can I help?" I asked.

"Oh, thank goodness. You're alright!" she said.

"Yes, now what can I do to help?" I asked, again.

"y/n you need to stay safe. They are still after you." She answered.

"Mother! You can't expect me to do that. You would never sit around." I objected.

Leia just looked at me as if she was studying me.

"Please." I said.

"Sometimes it scares me how much of me I see in you." She smiled.

"General! The pilots have been able to take out most of the TIEs, but a smaller ship has managed to get close enough to disembark several Storm Troopers." Lieutenant Connix shouted.

"We need to make that jump to lightspeed!" Leia ordered.

"We aren't ready yet. We need more time!" another person yelled out.

"I need to help." I said as I looked at Leia.

"Please be careful." She replied, worry clouding her eyes.

I managed to smile before running out of the bridge towards the hangar. I reasoned that if any of the pilots got hurt, they must be there. I could help.

The hangar was full of activity but there weren't any troopers anywhere. The troopers must have been in another part of the cruiser. There were so many people helping those who were hurt, I didn't know where to begin.

Written in the Stars || General Hux x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now