chapter LXII

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There he was standing in front of me as clear as day.

Finn popped out from behind a control panel.

My breath caught in my throat and I felt frozen. What was I supposed to do?

"We have intruders!" Iasion spoke into his mic alerting troopers.

"Wait!" I shouted trying to give myself time.

"y/n?" Iasion turned to me with a worried face.

In a moment, troopers flooded the room and had Finn and Poe at gunpoint.

"Take them to the interrogation rooms and inform the Supreme Leader and General Hux." Iasion commanded.

I made eye contact with Poe as he was ushered away.

Iasion made his way to where they were standing, as I felt something near my foot.

I looked down to find a rather confused BB-8. I looked up to make sure no one was watching and quickly crouched to meet BB-8's eye.

"Go! Do not let them see you!" I spoke quietly but urgently.

BB-8 got my message and quickly whirled away.

"They managed to get past two troopers here. I wonder what they were trying to do." Iasion sighed, grabbing the unconscious trooper's blaster.

I looked at him and it felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders.

"Hey, hey, hey." Iasion said rushing to my side.

I couldn't speak.

"All the color has drained from your face. What's going on?" he said, carefully wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

My eyes teared up as I managed to croak out two words, "The pilot..."

"Oh!" Iasion exclaimed.

"It's him? Well this is quite the predicament." He said, his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

We stood there silently for a few moments until I decided to make my way to the interrogation rooms. Iasion made his way to the bridge to find Hux.

Finn and Poe were in two separate rooms. They were strapped into the chairs waiting for Kylo to make his appearance.

I paced in front of the two rooms clutching my necklace in my hand saying a silent prayer to whoever was listening. I felt sick to my stomach like I could pass out in any moment.

This went on for about 15 minutes until I heard quick steps down the hallway. I didn't even realize until I felt a gloved hand brush my waist.

It was Hux. He had a worried look on his face.

"y/n, I need to speak to you." He said with urgency.

I was still looking down holding the necklace for dear life.

"y/n? Did you hear me?" he asked.

I brought myself to look up at him through teary eyes.

He must have seen the worry in my eyes because he completely forgot about what he was talking about and quickly began to ask what was wrong.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" he gently placed his hand on both sides of my waist and looked at me.

I shook my head, no.

"I was informed about an it?" he trailed off.

I nodded my head and crashed into his chest. Without a second to waste he wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh dear." He sighed.

"I don't know what to do, Armitage." My voice faltered.

"It will be alright..." he rested his chin on my head.

"I hope." He whispered.

Suddenly, I felt Kylo near and quickly separated from Hux as he entered the hallway.

"Supreme Leader." Hux bowed his head.

I couldn't imagine how much it wounded his ego to have to have to answer to Kylo.

"Kylo, please don't hurt them. I don't know why they're here but please I'm sure they didn't mean harm." I pleaded before he could even say a word.

"The deal was that as long as they stayed away, they would be safe." Kylo said.

"I understand that, but they didn't hurt anyone. I'm sure they were here for me but obviously I wouldn't leave." I continued.

I saw Hux let out a soft sigh of relief from the corner of my eye.

Kylo paused and thought for a moment.

"You say he's a good pilot?" he asked.

"Yes. Arguably the best in the galaxy." I said.

Kylo scoffed at my comment.

"We could always use some new pilots..." he said.

"You want to give him a position?" I asked.

"If General Hux agrees to the idea then yes." He said.

Hux who was standing on the side watching us began to speak, "I don't see why he couldn't join. Of course, he would have to swear complete allegiance to the Order."

They both looked back at me waiting for a response.

"What about Finn?" I asked.

"You mean FN-2187?" Hux said monotoned.

Hux's cold demeanor had returned. It seemed like the day we met.

"Yes...he's my friend. I don't want to see him hurt." I said.

"He's a traitor to the Order. That warrants the highest form of punishment; death." Hux said.      

"Death?!" I shouted.

"General you must understand why I cannot allow that." I exclaimed.

Hux turned to Kylo waiting for a decision.

"The pilot will have a chance to work for us, but the traitor will be held in the cells. Listen to me closely, I will not kill them because of our deal," he paused, "although one can argue that this breaks the deal, but if they try anything again, I will be quick to get rid of them." Kylo concluded.

"They won't. I'll make sure of it." I said.

"When will you tell them this?" I asked.

"I don't think the pilot will be persuaded to our side by me. I leave that to you. I believe he will listen to you more than anyone else." He said.

"Me?" I let out a shaky breath.

"Yes. Now General I trust you won't mess this up." Kylo said before leaving.

"Of course, I won't mess this up. I never mess anything up." Hux cursed under his breath, watching Kylo leave.

I stood in front of the door to the interrogation room. Watching Poe bob his head up and down, barely conscious.

Hux moved so silently that I didn't hear him make his way to stand next to me.

I turned so we could be facing each other.

"You can do this." He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips.

It was a sweet gesture but as he raised my hand, I caugh a glimpse of the bracelet that Poe gave me long ago.

That one night back on Louloudi with Poe, with my friends seemed so far away.

Poe seemed so far away... but there he was in an interrogation room. 

I swallowed but my mouth was dry. I turned to the doors as a trooper opened it for me.

I turned to look at Hux again before taking a deep breath and stepping inside.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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Written in the Stars || General Hux x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora