Well. That went just like I expected.

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   Hi guys. So I got back with my boyfriend, and it was going fine. And then he flipped out because I didn't sit with him at lunch and we broke up.

   He said some pretty rude things. And I'm not even sad this time. I'm actually pretty pissed. And yeah, he's an ass.

    But I didn't think it was going to work in the first place, to be completely honest. I actually talked to some people, and I found out that I just needed confirmation that what we had and who he was was over.

   Now am I sad that I lost my love? Absolutely. But I'm not sad over him. Because no matter what he looks, sounds, or occasionally acts like, he isn't the one I fell head over heels in love with.

    Is that his fault? Idk. But what happened can't ruin me anymore. I've moved on. I'm currently talking to someone. Someone I think I can be head over heels in love with.

   I'm not crying over him this time. I'm not listening to sad music. I'm moving on. I'm grieving for the loss of my love. Even though I lost him a long time ago. But that's okay. Because people change. So I'll just have to find somone who will change, but they won't change without me.

   So to all of you out there going through a breakup.. Just remember. You're worth it. You deserve better. You deserve respect. You're beautiful. Stay strong. Because your soulmate? He's out there. You just gotta find him.


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