Excuse you?

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You know what makes me mad?

When people who just met you online tell you they love you.

Like, seriously? You don't even know me. How do you love me? You just met me. That's ridiculous.

Then they get mad because you won't say it back? Excuse you??

I don't think so. I love someone, and he's not you. So could you not?

And secondly, why would you ask why I don't love you? There are so many reasons. To name a few, I don't know you, I love someone else,I just went through an awful breakup that crushed me and made me really depressed.. I mean the list just goes on and on.

You're not even my type, child. I don't date people like you..at all. Ever. There aren't many people I'd like to date, and I promise you are not included in those few.

So kindly back off.


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