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        So apparently apologizing makes someone second to someone else. 

        I know that doesn't make much sense. It doesn't make too much sense to me either. I've actually spoken to quite a few unbiased third parties, and I've come to the conclusion that they are all right; there's no point. 

        What was in the past is just that; in the past. There's no need for me to be stressing out about anything. I've made my decision and the other person has made theirs, and I can respect that. It seems as though we've come to the same decision, although I guess I came to it just a bit sooner.

        My only regret is that I didn't realize it sooner. As for those of you who are reading this and don't like who I am or what I'm saying? Why are you reading this? If it makes you angry, you don't have to read it. I haven't said anything harmful or rude in it up until this point. 

        I'm not singling anyone out, and there are absolutely no names in this book. And that's another thing. This is my book. I'm the author, and I may write what I choose to in it, because I own the rights. And I am not attacking anyone in this particular chapter nor am I in any other.

        Good. Now that I've got that difficult part over, back to writing. (Sorry if I offended anyone. I'm just really fed up with people's crap at this point and I'm tired of them using my books against me.)

        So basically I've just decided that this was always for the best. And if some people at this school dislike me? Good. I must be doing something right. If I can't stand up for what I think is best and right, then why am I living in America?

        And yeah. I said and did some pretty horrible things because I was mad. And yeah, I deserved some of the behavior I got. But not all of it. It takes two people to argue, does it not?

        I don't know guys. It's just been a really rough week because of all this high school drama. It's actually really childish. I'm tired of some people's attitudes. Just grow up, please.

        If you don't like me, tell me and move on. There's no need to continue talking about me behind my back and telling people things to get them on your side. I mean, come on. We're freaking teenagers. There shouldn't be sides. There shouldn't be anything.

        So my advice to you all would be to just foget about those annoying people who just can't seem to let things go. It's a little ridiculous how immature those people can be. And I know it's stressful and all you want to do is tell them to stick it where the sun won't shine, but don't. 

        You'll only cause more problems for yourself. There's no need to sink to their level. And I promise if you just let it go and ignore them, you'll find someone better to hang out with or date or whatever the situation may be. 

        Because it may seem hopeless, but I promise that there is someone out there who is gonna just show up out of nowhere and you'll be thinking to yourself, "Why did I waste so much time on that one stupid thing? Why did I try to fix something that I knew wasn't worth fixing?" And you'll be okay because you're gonna have that new person there for you.

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