Leaving people in 2015

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Well, lately I've been seeing a lot of "Let's leave these people on 2015" posts all over social media sites like Facebook or Instagram. At first I thought they were stupid and just another trending topic people would eventually get over, but now I'm not so sure.
The idea of leaving people in 2015 is becoming more and more tempting to me. I've got a long mental list of people I want to leave, and a small list of people I wanna take with me. That list would consist of my boyfriend, and my two best friends.
Nobody else. Let's leave them. I've come to the conclusion that they've already left me, and the year's not even over yet. They like to pretend that we're good and they care about me so much, but, here's the kicker, they haven't noticed that I've been ignoring them. They haven't noticed that I'm angry with them. Because they don't even talk to me unless they need something, of course.
I talked to my best friend last night for a long time about this, and I told her everything I was feeling. And it was amazing because she actually took the time to listen to me and ask me if I was okay and really try to help me feel better. I can't even remember the last time someone did that for me. So yeah, she's coming to 2016. I'm not sure I'd make it without my partner in crime. <3
What's really sad is the fact that for a second, I was so shocked that she actually cared about me. That she wanted to help and take the time to listen to me. How ridiculous is it that I'm so used to being treated like crap from my "friends," that when my best friend treated me like a human being with feelings, I was confused?
That pisses me off. After I talked to her, I had a bit of a wake up call. How dare they? How dare they treat me like this? And even more so, how dare I let them? Shouldn't I have more self respect than that??
To answer all of my rhetorical questions there, the answer is that I didn't do anything to deserve that kind of treatment. And I'm not going to let it continue. So all the people who've treated me like that and think its okay? Ha. Think again. Because your ass is getting left in 2015.
This year, I'm getting closer to people who genuinely care about me. The people who may not have time for me but end up making the time no matter what. Like I said, that's about three people. This is me making up my mind. I deserve better than that, and I'm going to surround myself with people who treat me like a person.
I suggest all of you do the same. And no, you don't have to shove it in their face and make sure they know you're leaving them. Just don't text them or contact them. Ignore them. That's what I plan to do. If they don't get a text from me before new years, then guess who got left? Yeah.
I know I sound spiteful and angry, but that's because I am. And it's okay to have emotions and show them. Emily showed me that last night. So do what's best for you. Make 2016 a great year, because you deserve it.

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