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Dear Readers,

      So I'm helping this guy from India learn better English so he can eventually come to America and bring his family. His name is Anwar. He's really sweet, and all he wants to do is learn. Now don't misunderstand me. We don't have anything romantic going on, he's 18 and too old for me. And I'm very happy with my boyfriend. 

       Anyway, he's trying to learn the English language, which is a buttload of random words that we got from literally everywhere possible, and I'm trying to help him, though I imagine I'm not the best teacher. But I do try, and it's amazing how fast he learns. 

      And the whole time I've been teaching him, I realize that people over there aren't anything like I thought they were. He's intelligent, respectful, and curious about Americans. He wants to know so many things, mostly why we seem to hate people on his side of the world. 

       I didn't realy have an answer for him so I just tried to explain to him that there are some bad people over there, but he doesn't understand. He wonders why we worry so much when we have such privilaged lives. And I realized that I'm just really selfish. I only think about myself.

      As I teach him, I start to see what he's talking about. We do lead privilaged lives, and I'm starting to see the people over there as actual human beings. They're good people, and I feel terrible for previously stereotyping them.

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