Annoying Brothers

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     So sometimes, brothers can be the most annoying things in your life. And I mean THE most annoying. 

     My brother is, in fact, worse than most, because he sees himself as a righteous child of God who never does anything wrong. Well, yeah. He does. A lot.

     He pisses me off quite frequently, actually, and this is one of those days. He was arguing with me about his stupid video games, which I enjoy playing from time to time, albeit when he isn't playing. 

     However, today I made an exception and played Halo with him because he asked me to. We were playing custom games in which we were enemies and our life mission was to kill each other. (This is why I agreed to play.) 

     Then he keeps looking at me out of the corner of his eye and I start to get suspicious. Suddenly, he starts killing me a lot more than I thought he would have been capable, considering I was whooping him for the first part of the game. 

      So he won, and we started again. This time I was carefully watching him, and when he thought I wasn't looking, he pressed a bunch of buttons in a certain sequence and he started winning again. By a landslide. 

      I took it in good graces and he won, and we played again. Then I knew what to watch for, and as soon as he didn't think I was looking, he did it again, in the same sequence. 

     So this time, I called him out on it, and asked him what he was doing, and he said that I was wrong and a liar and that I was the one who was cheating. This, naturally, pisses me off. So I proceed to tell him off using as careful language as possible, since I don't want to get it too much trouble. 

     This then makes him angrier, and we start to yell at each other. I got fed up with it, and told him that I "Didn't give a crap." And he freaked out and became my mother. 

      He started telling me that "We don't say bad words in this house" and "You have a dirty mouth" so I looked at him and said, "I don't give a freakin' crap what you think of the crap I say. So stay out of my crap." 

     (For those of you who don't get it and think I just have a problem with synonyms, I said crap that many times to prove a point.) 

     This made him even angrier, and we kept arguing. Actually, we're arguing right now, and I can barely hear myself think enough to type this out. 

     So that's why my brother is the most annoying thing on planet earth. Thank you for allowing my rant. 



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