Trust Issues

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Okay, so I know that we all have a certain group of people we can trust, and I'm all for that. I actually have my own list, and only the people closest to me are on that list.
But yesterday, I lost two people from that list. They were actually kinda removed. Because I learned that I can't trust them
And this hurts more than you could ever know. But I had to get rid of them. They had to be removed. Because I told them something. Both of them knew this. It was my biggest secret. And do you know what they did? They told. Not only the person it included, but also someone else.
How am I supposed to trust someone if they do that? And I wouldn't have even known if certain things didn't happen.
These were people that I'm the closest too. People I thought would always be there for me. But they lied. They told. I feel betrayed. So yeah. My list is smaller. But at least now I know who I can trust. It went from 5 people to 3.
One of the people that I know irl is on that list.. And one of them is not.
If you feel the need to ask me about it because you're genuinely confused, odds are you're the one I trust with everything. But if you hesitate, think about ALL my secrets you've told. If you feel guilty, don't message me. I don't want to speak to you. Not now. Not tomorrow. Maybe not even this week. You hurt me.
You can both message me. I'll reply to one of you and explain what's going on. If I don't, you'll know. But I guess you'll already have an idea of who you are.
I'm not saying this to be spiteful or rude. But you have to understand. I trusted you. And you told. So I can't trust you anymore. Sorry. But this is what happens.
So my advice for this chapter is to make sure you can trust people. Be positive they will keep your secrets. If not, it's gonna hurt you.

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