Why Dads are awesome.

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     So after evening services at church with all my family except my dad - he was at work - , we went home, and just kinda layed around for about an hour. 

     My dad was supposed to get off at 6:00, but he wasn't home yet, so we were just waiting for him to show up. 

     As we were watching t.v., I saw a lot of freaking commercials about food. 

     And I love food.

     These commercials made me really, really hungry, but I'm also really lazy, so I didn't get up to get any food. However, I did keep complaining, and probably drove my mom insane, but hey, I was starving.

     So my mom finally gets off the couch and tells me to not eat the dogs or my siblings, and informs me she's going to bed. 

     Just as she walks out the living room door, my dad walks in. She gets happy and hugs him and all that crap, and I'm just like "I like food." 

     They laughed and proceeded to tell me that there was food in the pantry before going into the bedroom and looking at the new bed, as my dad hadn't yet seen it. So I started looking through the pantry, and the only thing that looked even remotely tastey was a can of mandarin oranges. 

     I pull the can out, open it, and pour the fruit into a bowl that I grabbed from the drainer. 

     I'm about to eat my fruit when my four year old brother walks in. He starts to throw a fit, and he didn't shut up until I gave him the fruit.

     So I walked into my parents room and fell facefirst onto their bed. My mom is laying on the bed, and my dad was standing by the door.

     I told them that my brother had taken my fruit, and that I was still starving, and then my dad pulled out his phone and dialed a number. 

     When I asked him what he was doing, he held up a finger signaling that I should wait, and then he says the most amazing thing: "Can I get 3 large chicken and pinapple pizzas?" Then he looked at me. "And do you guys have ice?"

     Earlier, I had complained to him about the heat, and how I had wanted ice. And he asked a pizza hut for ice. Because my Dad is awesome.

     Of course, they didn't have any, so we got in the car and went to pick up the pizza. After we got them, he pulled out of the parking lot and started driving the opposite direction than the way to my house. 

     I didn't ask, because I figured he would be getting something for his truck, and I began to suspect that we were doing just that when he pulled into the parking lot of a gas station. 

     He looked at me and asked if I wanted to go inside with him and I said yes. 

     As soon as we were in the store, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the ice cream section. 

     He said, "I know it's not ice, but it is ice cream, and that has the word ice in it." 

     Long story short, I had really good pizza and an awesome, refreshing popsicle, and some ice from the freezer at 10:00 at night, because I told my dad I was hungry and it was hot.

     I don't think you can get better dads than that. ^_^



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