Advice request

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        Okay, guys. I mentioned this in a previous chapter that I may have deleted, but I am taking requests for advice in my entries. If you have a problem, even if you think it's stupid, let me know. I'll give you some advice on what I think and I'll try to encourage you the best I can.

        So basically, I don't know if she wants me to use her real Wattpad name, but we'll call her Rosie because that's one of the names in her username. Sort of. (I really don't want to give her name out unless she gives the okay.)

        So basically, from what I understand of the situation, she's unsure of whether or not this person she's talking to is real. The person, who for all privacy purposes we'll call Alexander, is a boy who somehow doesn't seem real. And that makes a lot of sense for Rosie to feel that way.

        See, Alexander is the cousin of a girl we'll call Miranda. Miranda is one of Rosie's friends, and so that's how Rosie met Alexander in the first place. But he just doesn't seem very real because there always seem to be other people texting for him. If something mean is said, the person will say things like, "OMG! I'M SO SORRY MY FRIEND NATHAN IS SUCH A JERK!" and other things along those lines.

        Also, this person seems to know who she is on Wattpad, which is really suspicious because the only one who knows who she really is would be Miranda.. Hmm. Coincidence? I'm thinking no. Also, whenever Miranda has to go take a shower or do chores, Alexander has to do the same thing. At the same time.. which shouldn't be possible.

        They couldn't possibly be doing the same thing every time Miranda has to go do something. That's just a little too obvious, I suppose. I'm thinking, Rosie, that this Alexander character isn't real. I know this because the same thing happened to me, only with one of my friends.

        Some girl was messaging him, but she always had to leave whenever her cousin did, and they always stopped texting at the same time and it was just too suspicious. I think that you should just tell your friend to stop messing with you and that you know Alexander isn't a real person.

        I know that she isn't saying anything about him being a fake, but the odds are that Miranda made Alexander up as a joke or a prank or just to be rude. In any case, he doesn't seem real. Now there is definitely a chance that he is real and everything just happened to make him look fake, but the odds of that are slim. 

        My advice would be to confront Miranda about Alexander and make her prove that he was real. Which he could be. Maybe he is real, but she's been pretending to be him and he has no idea. But you'll never know for sure until you ask Miranda about it. 

        There's no need to be nervous about any of this. You have a right to know. I suggest just telling her that you know he hasn't really been talking to you and he probably isn't real. Tell her that the game's over and you know it's been her. 

        Usually that makes people confess. If someone thinks they've been caught at something, they'll confess and try to make it sound better than it is so they won't get in trouble. If you think someone is suspicious or doesn't exist, just confront whoever you think is trying to make you believe they are. 

        You deserve the truth, Rosie, and I hope you get it. PM me an update on how it goes, because I'm suspicious of this guy and I want to know how this goes.

        Also, if anyone else has a request for advice, just let me know and I'll help you figure it out. I won't use your real name if that makes you uncomfortable, as you can see from what I wrote in this entry. Thanks for reading, you lovelies. Until next time. 


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