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        So guys, guess what? I now have a boyfriend. Congratulations. You all know now. Woot. xD

        But in all seriousness, let's get a little advice out there on something that I'm struggling with. Awkwardness/Anxiety in a new relationship. I know, not everyone gets it and it's a little embarrassing to talk about, but I get it and I know for a fact that I'm not the only one.

        So basically, the awkwardness comes from being in a brand new relationship. You two aren't familiar with each other yet, and in order to get closer, there's gonna be some awkwardness. Because you just don't know how to act around each other. Mainly, you don't know what you want from each other or what the expectations are. 

        My advice to you is to just tell them about it. Talk to them and find out what they expect, and lay down some lines that you're not ready to cross yet so you'll both be clear. The awkwardness should start to let up a little after you both find somewhere to meet in the middle, as long as you're both comfortable.

        If it doesn't start to go away after the first week of dating, you guys should probably hang out and get to know each other more. Once you guys are comfortable, try having a  conversation and acknowledge the awkwardness so you can get it out of the way and grow closer.

        Next up, Anxiety. I personally suffer from both of these, but my anxiety kinda makes the awkwardness worse for us. I just get so scared and I start to panic a little because I don't know what to do or say because in my relationships, I don't know. I guess I just never thought about how serious it could get. And now I am. 

        I want this one to last, but my anxiety gets in the way. But the first step I took to handling it was to be upfront with my boyfriend, and tell him that I'm bad at relationships and they freak me out a little. And hey, they might even have the same issue. 

        Just be honest with each other. And if you work hard enough at this, they'll go from the one who causes it to the one who helps you overcome it. :)


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