“This routine is not easy. I'm really surprised how those kids have picked it up. But that new girl with Nova? They were about to rip either their eyes out or their clothes off.” I laugh and start to pick up my things.

“You're right. He has the hots for her and even though she's acting as if she couldn't care less, I know those blue eyes are getting to her.” He nods with a little smile.

“I'm starved, Baby. Let's go eat something.” I am about to say “Hell yes” when I straighten up and see Ian walking into the studio. My heart leaps at the sight of him in a suit. Although, deep inside me I really just want to take it off him.

He walks in and smiles at me. I melt, of course.


“Daniel, it's great to see you again.” Ian offers his hand and Daniel shakes it.

“Likewise.” Daniel nods at him with a polite smile.

“Violet.” I look up into those blue-gray depths and forget to speak for a moment.

“Ian.” I breathe.

“I was hoping that maybe you'd come to dinner with me.” I want to, once again, yell “Hell yes” but I can't. My being in his life and his kids puts them in danger. I can't. Daniel must sense my panicked thoughts because he is fast to speak.

“She can't. She's leaving with me.” Ian's eyes seem to blaze, but not at all in that way that I love, the way that makes my knees weak. He looks angry.

“Violet can speak for herself, Daniel.” Ian says, his voice dripping hostility.

“Ian, I'll talk with you...here, but I can't go to dinner with you.” He's clearly not pleased. Daniel opens his mouth, but I interrupt him. “Dan, wait for me outside. I'll be quick, I promise.” He walks away, not very happy with me either. He's not one to argue...much.

“What's going on?” He asks,taking a few steps toward me. I raise a hand in front of me indicating that he needs to stop, and he does just as my palm is over his hard chest.

“Back off.” His chest rises and falls quickly against my palm. His eyes darken with anger.

“That's not what you want.” I scoff. This man never gives up.

“Please, Ian. Just go. This is not the place to talk about,”

“Us?” He interrupts me, walking close to me. I shake my head.

“There is no 'us', Ian. We're strangers to each other.” Even I know I sound ridiculous. I just need him away from me. It's for the best.

He scowls; I scowl right back.

“We're strangers to each other? That's not what you said when I made you come over the phone, or when I had my tongue down your throat.” He spits. I push him with both my hands, failing miserably when he catches both my wrists. I open my mouth to insult him when the door opening grasps both our attentions.

Fucking hell.

He lets go off my as my boss, Mrs. Locke, the school's principal walks in. Her expression would seem unpleasant to a stranger, but I know her and I know that gleam of mischief and amusement in her dark eyes. She has beautiful dark skin and graying, rebellious, black curly hair.

“Ms. Sinclair, I was just leaving and could not help but notice,” she gestures between us. “this.” My cheeks must be as red as my hair right this moment.

“I apologize, Mrs. Locke. My girlfriend is just so difficult. I didn't mean to come n here, her work place, to do this, but she left me no choice.” My jaw hit the floor as Ian took her hand and kissed it. “Ian Hayden. I am Avalon and Novaiden's uncle.” She smiles adoringly at him.

Fight Me (Fighting #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz