Chapter 9

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I don't get to open the door and walk into our loft completely before Lina speaks. God, I hope we don't argue. I was already dreading that I had to leave Ian's house like that.

“I was worried sick! Where the hell have you been? Are you okay?” She looks angry and at the same time relieved. I'm surprised by the bit of anger bubbling up inside me. It's not like I do this often. In fact, I tell her my every move. I close the door and start walking towards my room. She follows. I switch the light on.

“I'm alright, Lina. I just went to the Haydens' home for dinner. I'm sorry I forgot to text you.” I say, my voice sounding bored as I drop my bag on my bed and begin to take my sandals off.

“No me hables así . Solo me preocupo por ti.” Don't talk to me like that. I just worry about you.

“I know, Lina. I have always told you my every move; let's not argue about this, okay?” She crosses her arms.

“You're acting as if I were your overbearing mother, V.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

“You are acting exactly like that.” Her head moves side to side, as if shaking off the words.

“You have no idea what it was like to get that call from Manuel that you were missing...what it was like to see you screaming in agony when Manuel's doctor had to take the metal from your ribs.” Tears burn my eyes and make her blurry. “You have no idea what it was like to hold your limp hand every time you passed out from the pain..And then hearing you were,” Her next words I can't bear.

“Stop talking!” I yell, tears making their way down my face. Lina's eyes are glassy, but not a tear has fallen. Daniel appears behind her.

“What's going on?” He asks coming into the room and looking between us.

“I am sorry for forgetting to tell you where I was, but you have no right to throw how you felt in my face. You live with the lone memory of witnessing it. I have to live with the ones of experiencing it.” Daniel walks toward me, but I raise a hand to stop him. It shakes violently, and I realize my entire body is shaking. Lina stares at me, regret written all over her.

“Baby, you're shaking. Come here.” The concern in his voice rips at my heart, but I am unable to looka way from Lina.

“I'm sorry, Violet. I just...I love you so much. I am so scared of Manuel's enemies going after you again...” She takes a step toward me. “I thought about the possibility you being with Ian today...but I never thought you'd forget to call me, us because you were with him.” I flinch, but I take all the steps I need to be in her face.

“Lina.” Daniel warns.

“No, Dan. Let her talk.” I finally look at him, drying my tears. “Let's see what all of this is really about.”

“I didn't mean it to sound like that and you both know it. I am not trying to hurt you,Violet.” She runs a hand through her hair roughly.

“You're making it sound like she didn't call intentionally. Like she chose him over us...And it's just a phone call for fuck's sake” Daniel says.

“I did not mean it like that!” She repeats forcefully.

“It's true. I went to the Haydens' for dinner and got so caught up I completely forgot to call or send a message. I'm only human, Lina. I'm sorry if you got worried, but I simply forgot.” I sit on my bed. “I am also sorry you can't shake the guilt about that day, but that is not on me.” Her sharp intake of air is all I need. I've hit a nerve. “It's not on you either. Let it go.” A tear rolls down her cheek now and it makes my chest ache.

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