Jhacari: 1st Class Plane? More Like 1st Class Pain

Start from the beginning

Might as well just enjoy the fact that I'm in first class right now, even though I'm not even supposed to be on this plane to begin with, Jhacari thought to himself.

He had then thanked Francis for the service... even though there was nothing for him to be thankful for except from the fact that he had told him that he had gotten on the wrong plane.

But that was it really.

After thanking Francis candidly, Jhacari had then gone in one of the seats to sit down, bringing out his phone.

The first class section of the plane... this one anyway, had internet connection, which Jhacari had used to browse on Instagram again.

As usual, he had completely ignored the fact that he had 50K+ notifications calling his name, aka ten more than last time, before going on camera mode to post something.

I really don't like my face, he had thought to himself, playing with his high top braids that Tayahna had very neatly done for him.

No one knows really knows this except from me but I wish I had someone else's face, and just someone else's life in general.

Being famous had its downsides, but then it had its upsides too.

Right now though, it was just mainly downsides as Jhacari had taken a picture of his seemingly horrible face, with the aeroplane seat he was sitting on being right behind him.

He had then smiled at the camera before changing it from photo mode to video mode as he had waved at the camera before doing the peace sign at it too.

Dang! Lightning looks tight! Jhacari had said through the camera. Hey, y'all! So I'm on a first class plane to Mexico, I'm going on holiday! It's gonna be amazing! Comment below your favourite holiday that you went on and when!

End of the video.

Jhacari sighed to himself.

None of that was true, at all.

First class plane? He thought to himself. More like first class pain.

As usual, the comments had started rolling in, and he didn't know how people had seen his videos and posts so quickly but they did... and Jhacari had kinda resented them for it.

In a weird way.

He would have turned off comments and all of that, but then he would have kind of missed them, in a weird way too.

For once in his life, he had actually scrolled through some of the comments (17 now), reading them but not replying to them, as usual.

Oh my gosh you're soooo cute! Wish I had your life!

No you don't, Jhacari had thought to himself. You really don't.

Jhacari didn't even want his life half of the time so he really didn't get why anyone else wanted it. The power of social media lies, honestly.

And the best holiday I've been on was when I went to Argentina, as that was when I coincidentally saw you in person for the first time! It was awesome xx

Uhm.... I went to Hawaii with my family the other day and it was amazing. To be honest, there's many holidays I've been on that I like... so I can't choose just one.

chileeeee, is that you Jhacari, yeah? You fine as hell. 🥵🥵🥺 I heard your girlfriend broke up with you. I'm always available. Plus it's her loss :)

Uhm... that's kinda creepy.

In fact, after that comment... Jhacari had stopped reading there.

He was stressed out, he really was.

And there was no one he could have talked to about this, except..

Davonte and Jazaniah! I really need someone to rant to right now.

Thinking that, Jhacari had then gone over to his Whatsapp group chat with both of them and both of them only, texting something out to them as fast as he possibly could have done.

From Jhacari
Davonte! Jazaniah!
Y'all I really need your help right now
Major sitch
You guys are kinda like the only person I want to talk to right now to be honest
I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone else

As Jhacari had kinda suspected, neither of them had replied to that at all, causing Jhacari to be very frustrated and rather impatient about the whole thing at the same time.

Come on! Reply, you two! What's taking y'all so long?

He had locked his phone to check the time on it like every two or so seconds, but nope.


No reply.

Until like two seconds later, where Davonte had replied instead of Jazaniah.

Major sitch?
We just saw your insta post though
You seem fine

Uh yeah. Superficially
But not behind the scenes

What you mean by that?

Can I FaceTime y'all?

Neither Davonte or Jazaniah had replied to that though, with Jhacari internally getting exasperated about this before Davonte had then told him that yes, he could have FaceTimed him.

So therefore he did.

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