(178) Gred and Feorge

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Though Florence was unable to help plan the twins' birthday party, she was quick to offer her assistance to Molly who was setting up the Burrow for the celebration. The two strung up lights and set up tables and chairs outside, Florence using some fancy tablecloth she found in the basement of the manor to decorate the bare tabletops, and made centerpieces with some knickknacks they had lying around the joke shop. It was a nice day for a birthday party outdoors, since there was a nice cool consistent breeze, and there was not a cloud in the sky. By the time she and Molly had finished decorating, the sun was slowly dipping behind the horizon, the sky now a haze of purple melting in to a blaze of orange.

Nicolai came out with the plates, which she laid out carefully on the tables, as well as utensils, as Molly went back inside to check on the food. Tonks arrived after a few minutes with the Butterbeers and the Firewhiskeys, with the help of Remus who was already dressed in his costume, a shaggy black haired wig, and a perfectly ironed Senior Auror uniform. Florence laughed at the sight of him, instantly figuring out who he was.

"You know, this is pretty accurate. Sloan's almost never in regular clothes." she said, Remus nodding in agreement, "I snuck in to his room to see what other clothes he had and I swear it was practically filled with uniforms."

Sloan scowled, overhearing their conversation, "I have regular clothes too, maybe you just didn't look hard enough."

"Nice costume, Moony!" Sirius yelled from across the yard, "Add a stick up your ass and you've got Sloan perfectly!"

"Very funny, Black." Sloan murmured as the man in mention made a beeline towards him, sitting on one of the folding chairs across from Sloan, "You didn't even try to look like me. I am beyond disappointed, Price."

"What do you mean? It took me forever to find these," he said, motioning to his headband that resembled that of dog ears, then to the furry faux tail that he stapled to an old black belt, "I look exactly like you."

"You look like Padfoot, not Sirius..."

"Honestly, what even is the difference?"

Sirius rolled his eyes, before turning to Florence, a questioning look on his face as he looked at her up and down. She was wearing a long black wig, some eyeliner, a dark purple sweater and black leggings, an empty Weasleys' Wizard Weezes name plate pinned on to the sweater. "I thought it was obvious that I was Verity."

"Doesn't really look like Verity. She has her hair up in a bun a lot." Sirius said, "At least when I'm at the store she does."

"I didn't know you were at the store often?" Remus frowned, turning to his friend, who had a guilty look on his face, "Sirius... You have't been sneaking out, have you?"

He shook his head, "It isn't my information to disclose." Sirius immediately changed the topic, "Anyway, where are the hosts these evening? I'm dying to see what sort of wild party they have planned."

"Not so wild seeing as they're doing it in the backyard of their childhood home." Remus said, "I'm sure Molly will be furious if they do anything reckless."

"Well you know, they haven't really had a history of caring too much about what their mother will think." Florence chimed in, before a blonde girl walking in caught her attention. She excused herself from the others, before making her way over to Hadley, a big parcel wrapped in shiny green paper with a big gold ribbon in her hand. The uncertainty in her eyes disappeared at the sight of Florence, who helped her put the box on to the gift table. She then gestured up and down at her costume, "I hope I got it at least a little bit on point."

Florence let out a laugh as she figured out who she was supposed to be, "That dress definitely looks like something I would wear. You did a great job! Let me guess, did Nicolai offer her assistance?"

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