(13) Full House

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Everyone had went to bed late the night before, the adults planning for what they were going to do during Christmas Eve as if it was the biggest issue yet. Thr children, ofcourse, were given a say at it, and was permitted to stay up late by their parents. After all it would be the first time—in all the years that they had known each other— to spend Christmas and New Years together . Everybody wanted it to be special, hence why everybody slept late.

Somewhere in the middle of the planning, Nicolai had let something slip about Percy, Penelope sending her a mortified look. Fortunetly for them, Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater had consumed enough eggnog to have lost their full focus, asking their daughter to repeat what she had just said since they weren't able to catch it.

Nicolai murmured a nothing, making Penelope sigh in relief.

Florence, at the special request of Adrianna, had asked Emmy to bring the oldest Haddlowe a mug of eggnog, swapping her mug with a new one without the adults quite noticing. Adrianna had too much, Florence and Alexander having to carry her quitely upstairs and into the room, knowing how screwed they were going to be if anyone found out that they had disregarded the rules.

After everything, Florence, Nicolai and Alexander decided to hit the sack, bidding everyone in the living room goodnight before slipping upstairs.

Sharing a room with her friends was a great idea the first time, but when Florence awoke to another Alexander-Nicolai screaming match, it took everything in her to prevent herself from kicking both of them into separate rooms. Florence tried ignoring this, however, things got a little physical, Nicolai throwing a book across the room. Instead of hitting the blonde on the head like how she planned for it to go, it flew straight over him, landing on the brunette who valued sleep too much.

Florence sat up from her bed with a revolting look, glaring at Nicolai. She turned to face Alexander—who wore one of Nicolai's bra's on his head, strapping it around his forehead like a bandana. She could have laughed if she hadn't woke up in the most unpleasant way.

"What are you two doing?" she snapped at the both of them, the two shutting up almost immediately. "You see what he's doing! He invaded my duffel bag!" she half yelled, Florence wanting to smother her with a pillow for being too loud in the morning. Now she understood why she was such an abomination to Penelope's lifestyle.

"Rowena's sake, not too loud, Nic." she groaned, blindly reaching for her wand that sat on her nightstand, instantly remembering that she wasn't allowed to do magic outside of school. She could have shut them up with a quick flick of her wand. She missed Hogwarts for this. "No more shouting, I'm trying to get back to sleep." she grumbled.

But as soon as her head had barely touched the pillow, her door was thrown open rather harshly, a shrill voice calling out, "Rise and shine, O.W.Lers! We wouldn't want to waste a single minute of your break now, would we?" The older Haddlowe had strode in, her blonde hair was pulled up into a ponytail, a shiny silver whistle worn around her neck on a silver chain.

She frowned, seeing as Florence was still lying in bed. Adrianna blew on her whistle, the brunette jerking up from her previous sleeping position. She wanted to cry, since she was being forced out of bed by the person who she thought would understand. "How are you not having a hangover with all the eggnog you drank last night?" asked Nicolai in curiousity.

"Magic." the older witch winked, before nudging Florence.

"O.W.Lers? Really Dan?" Alexander asked her sister skeptically, folding his blanket neatly, whereas Nicolai was shoving her used blanket out of anyone's sight.

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