(112) Career Day

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Christmas decorations were now hung all around the castle as the days grew colder, more snow cascading down from the sky. Aside from the Gryffindor-Slytherin game, the second game before holiday break had also been the talk of the whole student body, not because of a fist fight, but because of it's length.

The Hufflepuff-Slytherin game, which happened approximately two weeks after Gryffindor's, was one of the most short-lived games that the students had witnessed. They were barely five minutes in to the game when Hufflepuff's seeker, Hallie O'Connell, had heard the silent buzzing of the snitch's wings hovering a foot away from her, snatching it up quickly, thus ending the game.

The Slytherins did not like it all too much, because it meant that the only shot they had for winning was with Ravenclaw, and Florence was training her team hard for it.

As Holiday break grew closer, Hogwarts had again started up their annual Career day event for all of their seventh year students. It was a chance for them to meet with potential employers in order for them to have stable jobs as soon as they graduated.

Xander, for one, had been looking forward to this affair, wearing his business attire (as they were required to) with his prefect badge fastened on his suit.

"They can see it perfectly, Xan, don't worry." Nicolai chortled as she watched her best made fiddle with his badge infront of the common room mirror. Xander swiveled around to frown at her, who was just casually lounging around on the sofa. "Aren't you atleast a little bit interested in finding yourself a career?"

She shrugged, "I don't even know what I want to do yet. It all sounds extremely boring. Jobs, in general."

"That's why we have career day, Nic." Florence chimed in, setting her book down onto the center table, "So you could canvas on the jobs available in the wizarding world."

"Yeah it's not like I haven't canvassed on jobs. My parents did it with me and Penelope every summer ever since she started her O.W.L.s. I was in my third year."


"Nothing sounds appealing. Parents were horrified when I told them that, and thrilled when Penny decided that she wanted to work in Ministry like them. Even more when she packed her bags and left for MACUSA... And little old Nicolai Bridgette, seven months shy from graduating, still indecisive..."

"You'll find what you want to do, Nic. You still have plenty of time..." Florence consoled.

"Says you, Miss Holyhead-Harpies-team-member-in-training." Nicolai rolled her eyes, before flopping back against the backrest of the couch, "I'm probably just going to stay back here in Hogwarts and bunk with Hagrid..."

"That is if he'd want to bunk with you." Xander said, "You are quite a messy person."

"Well if Hagrid says no, there's always Filch and Mrs. Norris." Florence chipped in.

"Not helping," she told the two.

"You'll be fine, Nic. We promise. Not everyone knows what they want to do as soon as they get out of Hogwarts." Xander shuffled over to plop beside her, "Now stop moping around, you're going to get your business clothes creased. We have a job fair to show up for."

"Yeah, Nic. I'll come with you, if that helps. I don't really need to do anymore canvassing."

"Speaking of, did you send your application form in yet?"

"I'll have it sent by the end of the day." Florence said, "I already talked to mum about it. She's ecstatic."

"Well then, off we go! We wouldn't want to be late now would we?"

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