(140) Opportunities and Openings

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"I don't want to rush the girl, Price, but the Auror program starts in a week, and no one has still heard from her. Her N.E.W.T.s and her grades are definitely outstanding, and not just passes our standard, but exceeds it as well. But if we do not hear a definite response from her, I am afraid we will have to present her slot to a different candidate on our wait-list." Scrimgeour explained to Sloan, who had been sitting in his office timidly for the past twenty minutes.

He did not particularly like meeting with the Head Auror, given their shared history of bad blood. But Florence's future was on the line, and despite him taking care of all the paperwork, without Florence to confirm whether or not she still wanted to pursue the career, she would lose the position completely.

"Jane died, Rufus. You are very fortunate that you will never experience the loss of a mother at such a young age, the least you can do is be a little bit more considerate." Sloan frowned, "Florence wants this, she just needs a little time."

"I'm sorry but an elite force will not wait for a grieving girl. With what times we have, with several death eaters on the loose, we need dedicated recruits to be in training. If she does not report to me directly within two days time, Sloan, I'm afraid she will have to look in to some other career."

"Fine," Sloan gritted his teeth, "I don't know why I expected you to have empathy this time around."

With that, he rose from his seat, seeing himself out of his office.

Julien had been waiting anxiously outside the office for his father, the tense look on his face usually meaning the worst. Sloan looked perplexed, wordlessly walking with his son for a bit, before sighing.

"I thought I could get this one right for Florence," he said, "She's lost Jane, and it would break her to lose a potential career too."

"You know it's not your fault, don't be too hard on yourself," Julien told him, "Florence will not lose anything. We will break the news to her. If she does nothing, then it is her choice to let go of this career, and her decision would be in neither of our control."

"You're right," he put a hand on Julien's shoulder, as if drawing strength from his presence. "We'll discuss the matters with her once we are home."

"How? She hasn't been out of her room since she got home from Hogwarts."

"Well, matters are drastic. I know we should be giving her space but this cannot wait for long. She will understand. She may not be ready to see anyone, but Scrimgeour is right. Life isn't going to put itself on hold for her."


Nicolai had been at St. Mungo's for the morning to attend the orientation before they started training to become Mediwitches. Jillian had been there as well, the couple deciding to stop by Florean Fortescue's on the way home to replenish the heat a little bit.

The past few days Nicolai had been less chipper than she usually was, as Jillian observed. She knew that her girlfriend was worried sick about Florence, this affecting the way she interacted with everyone. It was as if something was constantly nagging her, and this worried Jillian as well.

"Hey," she said, putting a hand on top of Nicolai's after watching her swirl around her mint ice cream for the past ten minutes, "Penny for your thoughts?"

Nicolai sighed, "No need, I'm still thinking of Florence."

"I'm sorry, darling. She'll be well in her own time. You're worrying doesn't really help her in any way."

"I know, I still can't help it."

"It's understandable. You, her, and Xander, you three love each other to death."

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