(144) Newfound Conflicts

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"Guess who I saw yesterday." George said out of the blue, as he continued to arrange a stack of love potions by their display. He and his twin brother had woken up before daybreak to prepare for opening in a few hours. Fred looked tired, like he had been sleepless for days. Maybe he was, George didn't really know, since he would be out like a light an hour after they would close the shop down, worn out by the day's events.

Fred looked over to George, instantly knowing what the funny look on his face meant, "How though? I didn't hear her visit the shop."

"Yeah, I was restocking when I saw her standing around near the ice cream shop. We talked for awhile."

"Yeah? What about?

"You, ofcourse."

This made Fred perk up, "What'd she say."



"Yup," said George nonchalantly, making Fred grunt. "Oh come on, she must have said something."

"She did, but I don't think it's anything you need to hear."

"Was it that bad?" Fred asked, even though he didn't really want to hear the answer himself.

"She's just..." he sighed, "She's not Florence. That's all I can say, really. I feel like the Florence we knew had been abducted and replaced by a clone that's just devoid of emotion."

"Hey," Fred chastised, "That's not a fair thing to say. You know why she's like that."

"I know, I'm just a little annoyed. I hate seeing you so sad."

"I appreciate the concern, but I'm fine, Georgie, really. If anything, we should be worrying about her more. Merlin knows what she'll do in this state."

"Huh," George said, stopping what he was doing, "You know what? I dont think you two are broken up for good. You obviously still love her. And she loves you enough that she didn't want to burden you with her grief. Once she's better, you two will be okay."

He sighed, "I hope so."

"You love her, don't you?" George asked, his question answered by the look on his brother's face as his question lingered in the air.

"Ofcourse I do, Georgie. So much."

"Then she'll come around. It'll be fine, Fred. If it will be, then it will be."

"What will be?" A voice interjected, as a familiar brunette entered the store, a bright smile appearing on her face as she caught sight of the twins, "Sorry I'm late. I had to bring Maisie and Callan over to the Haddlowe's on my way here. Hope I didn't miss anything big over the past few days too."

"Florence and Fred broke up."

"WHAT?" Lisa practically screamed, her bag dropping to the floor with a thud as her grip went slack, "What do you mean they broke up? That must be a mistake. Florence and Fred can't break up. It's not possible!"

"Well, apparently it is," Fred muttered, "Because she's done it."

"Merlin's beard, I'm so sorry, Fred. Wow. George, sweetie, this is probably hurting me more than our future break up will in the future." Lisa said, looking indeed very sullen, George scoffing, "What do you mean future breakup? Hate to say it, Lisa. But you're stuck with me. We're never breaking up."

Fred's brows arched at this exchange, "I thought you two weren't exclusive."

"Well..." Lisa trailed off, eyeing George tentatively, "We talked about stuff..."

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