(55) History of Disaster

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"Every single time," Florence sighed as she glanced over Nicolai's still occupied bed from a curtain of brown, damp hair. She chucked her towel onto a stool, proceeding to launch herself onto the sleeping figure.

The bed shook as her body collided with it, nearly knocking the other brunette off of the bed, the duvets in shambles. "Merlin," mumbled Nicolai, annoyed, "Leave me alone, Florence Magdalene..." she had made a few attempts in pushing her off with her foot, but failed every time she did so.

"Nicolai Bridgette, you literally have thirty minutes tops to get your crap together. We have to go down stairs to the Head of House's office to get our schedules." She reminded her, hoping that was enough to motivate her to start getting ready.

"Who cares," she mumbled, "Professor Flitwick will probably understand why I couldn't make it. I can do it tomorrow—ouch!"

Florence had clipped her on the head with one of her fuzzy home slippers, "Get up."

"Or what?" She challenged.

"Or I'm going to send Xander here so he could wake you up himself. You know his ways are much more brutal than mine are."

A long groan followed this, "Fine.... I hate you for this, though."

"No you don't," Florence answered back, grabbing her tie before wrapping it under her dress shirt's collar. Nicolai lazily heaved herself to sit upright, her brown hair flying all over the place.

Because of the time delay, they had time only to grab a sandwich from the Great Hall for breakfast, and then headed back up to their Head of House to pick up their schedules. Xander had met them there, and was actually holding the line until Nicolai got in.

"You're late," he informed her, a slightly annoyed look on his face, "Where have you two been?"

"To breakfast," Nicolai answered simply, before sauntering off to Professor Flitwick's desk. Even he didn't look too happy with her tardy.

"Let me guess... You had trouble getting her out of bed, didn't you?"

Florence shrugged, "No surprise there, really. You know it's the same thing every single year. I'd be surprised if she didn't act that way."


"So, what subjects are you planning on taking?" asked, falling in line alphabetically. Xander was only three people away from her, and so she was still able to talk.

"For a start, I still want to continue Ancient Runes. Atleast that's what I've been sure about so far."

Florence scrunched up her face, "Isn't that subject too difficult?" Alexander snorted at this, "You're one to talk. Arithmancy is much more complicated, mind you."

"No," she objected, "Arithmancy is not at all that hard. Just a bunch of numbers and calculations."

"Exactly. You think it's just numbers and calculations. Whereas I have a very different viewpoint regarding those numbers and calculations. They're difficult and time-consuming." Xander stated.

"Well compared to Ancient Runes it's easy."

"Is not."

"It is."

"Yo brainiacs," said Nicolai who passed by the two, new class schedule in hand, "Get a move on. You're holding up the line!"

"Shut up, Nic." Xander rolled his eyes, shuffling over to Professor Flitwick's desk to arrange his schedule. It took awhile for the three of them to get out, but when they did, they were pretty satisfied with the subjects that they chose.

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