(15) To Family and Friends

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Christmas morning was especially tiring for all of them. Waking up from a well-earned rest was hard enough, and everyone was yawning occasionally as they were gathered at the living room, Asher being the only one with enough energy to bounce up and down in anticipation of his presents.

Adrianna distributed the gifts to their rightful owner, everyone opening them at the count of three. Penelope received a lovely pair of school shoes and some school supplies, Nicolai got a good looking notebook which she frowned upon, since she wasn't one who liked writing. From Alexander, Nicolai had received an odd cylinder, which she also frowned upon.

"What the bloody hell is this?" she asked, flipping it over in her hand, Florence smiled in amusement.

"It's a silencer. Muggles use it on their firearms so that they wouldn't make too much sound. You could use it too, you know, to stifle your noise." he explained with a grin.

"Git," she said, "Nah that's not your real gift. I asked Adrianna to transfigure it, you see," Adrianna tapped the metal with her wand, the tube turning into a muggle board game,

"Seriously? Another boardgame that I'm going to suck at?" the blonde boy grinned, before shrugging,

"I'll be fair and teach you this time."

From Florence was a three foot Drooble best blowing gum vending machine, the top filled to the brim with blowing gum. Nicolai squealed, hugging her tightly. "I love you for supporting my obsession."

The most interesting gift that was opened—aside from the new broom that Asher got from his parents and Adrianna— was a cat. Mrs. Price got a cat as a present, which baffled everyone, since none of them claimed to have given the animal as a gift. Jane smiled to herself, stroking the cat lovingly as her daughter stared at her suspiciously.

"You bought yourself that cat... Didn't you?" Florence asked her mother, who gave her an innocent look as she continued stroking the white cat. "Well a woman's got to reward herself sometimes. And this is the perfect gift. Besides, I get lonely with you in school. Now, I have Miss Mimsy to keep me company."

"Watch out. When you get home, Miss Mimsy will be sleeping on your bed." joked Nicolai, Alexander laughing along as Florence continued to stare at the rather innocent cat.

"I can't believe my mum's replacing me with a cat." said Florence melodramatically, the older witch shaking her head at her.

"Oh quit it you. I'll do that only when Miss Mimsy here's a skilled pastry chef. So that way she'll keep me company and well fed. How convenient will that be?"

"And a cat doesn't need that much maintenance." added Mr. Haddlowe, her wife laughing. "Well then, let's all replace our children with cats, shall we?" said Mr. Clearwater, his wife nodding in agreement before clapping her hands together, "I'll want two tabby cats."

After the opening of gifts, everyone went their separate ways to keep their gifts. It was still continuing to snow outside, Florence and Asher deciding to make a snow fort, Nicolai trying to wreck their hard work by flinging snowballs at the wall. The younger Haddlowe had been so frustrated at her, that he threatened to turn Nicolai into a snowman, making Alexander laugh.

"Shut up, Xan. I'll turn you into an acorn." she muttered darkly.

Their harmless snow fort making was turned into a rather rough game of snowball fight, as Adrianna came out of nowhere (suspected apparation) and threw a snowball at Alexander's face. Asher hid in his snow fort as Florence balled up lumps of snow, chucking them at the others to defend her territory.

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