(17) Nosiness Gets You In Trouble

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History of Magic was, as per usual, boring as hell. Fred had placed his protean on his book and had been conversing with his mystery penpal for a few minutes now, George peering at it every once in awhile. The other twin would huff, frowning upon the piece of wood that kept his brother entertained. "Can I have a turn?"

"What is this? A toy? Ofcourse not." said Fred, grinning as he read the reply that he had gotten from her,

You can't alter an anti-cheating quill during exams even if you sold your soul for it.

He chuckled, before wiping the wood of words and replacing it with his own,

Well how do you know that if you've never even attempted to cheat in your whole life?

"I wonder if she's as irresponsible as you are." said George as soon as his brother detached his attention from his Protean. Fred chuckled, "I hardly doubt that. She's afraid of cheating. Can you believe it? She's afraid of getting in to trouble... kind of like Price if you think about it."

"Kind of like Price..." he repeated, his eyes immediately going wide in realization, "Freddie, what if it really is Price?!"

"Rubbish," he replied promptly, pulling his Protean out once more to read her reply, "Price wouldn't be as reckless. I heard him tell the blonde bloke and Penelope's sister once to not trust anything that can think for itself if you cannot see where it keeps it's brain when they got bitten by this educated plant in a pot."

"Yeah but, it's a protean charm. She's supposed to know that someone's on the other line... Otherwise it wouldn't be replying to her." George pointed out.

"But it isn't Price, George. It just doesn't make sense if it's her."

"Would you kill me if I found out who your mystery person is?" George asked Fred, who looked at him dead seriously, "I'd bury you alive and dance on your grave while belting out tribal chants so that I may offer your soul to the evil in exchange for eternal glory, more like."

"You wouldn't."

"I would. And to answer your question: yes, I would most definitely kill you so don't you even dare think of doing it behind my back, George Weasley."

"But... Aren't you at least a little bit curious?"

"Don't get me wrong, I am. But, I don't know. I'd like it to stay anonymous for the time being. It's really entertaining, you know? It's like having a pen pal that could reply to you at any given minute"

George looked hesitant, "Well... Alright, I'll leave you to it. You won't be writing on the desk anynore, now that you have your Protean, right?"

"I still will be. This thing's just an alternative when I want to talk to her about some random thing that would pop up in my head."

"Go on," said George dramatically, "Replace me with her, why won't you? You don't need a bloody twin now that you have that sodding Protean charm of yours." he mumbled exaggeratedly, making Fred chuckle. "Oh Georgie, nothing beats a best friend who looks exactly like your self, you know? You're the only one who understands me on a personal level, my brother."

"Aww, glad to hear that I'm irreplaceable." George gushed, making Fred give him a look, "I never said that, mate. I only said that you understand me on a personal level. Ofcourse Jordan could replace you on that, I'll have him drink polyjuice potion so that he'd understand how satisfying and at the same time tiring it is to be this attractive."


"We told you that you needed to cut your roots in to even parts." said Alexander, helping her friend wipe off the black dirt that exploded on Nicolai's face. Her brew had gone terribly wrong during Potions that it exploded in her face—for the first time. Snape didn't look all too considering, as he had immediately taken points from Ravenclaw for wasting ingredients.

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