(194) All the Stars in the Sky

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Harry's seventeeth birthday was celebrated at the Burrow four days later. Despite the tragedies that had occurred over the past few months, everyone decided to focus on the better parts of life, like his birthday celebration, as well as the upcoming wedding of Bill and Fleur.

Florence had been staying at the Burrow ever since the 27th, as Molly and Arthur had advised the twins and her to stay away from their apartment and their shop for the time being, Fred and George agreeing almost entirely, though making brief visits to check up on it from time to time. She slept with the twins in their childhood room, she and Fred managing to squeeze into his old bed that was only meant for one average sized person. It was also a challenge for Florence as well, traveling a lot further to get to work, apparating about two different times in fear of splinching herself because of the distance.

Despite the tight squeeze in living quarters, the Burrow still felt very much homey, with Mrs. Weasley's home cooked meals that she would pack a portion of for Florence to take to work, to the sense of belonging to a family whenever she was with the rest of Fred's siblings. Bill and Charlie were like the older brothers she never had, and Ginny was the sister she always wanted. Being around bright-souled people made Florence forget that she was in the middle of such terrible times.

The situation with Harry was getting worse by the day. He had revealed to the Order the mission Dumbledore had asked him to carry out before his untimely death, about the Horcruxes, to find them and to destroy them. Of course, everyone thought it absolutely mad that Dumbledore even considered giving such a task to Harry, as if he hasn't been through enough. He had made his decision to not return to Hogwarts for his last year, as did Hermione and Ron, who were rather set on helping him accomplish what he had to do.

There was a lot of opposition in this, but the young boy was set on his decisions, and it was evident that there's was little people could do to sway him from it. It was dangerous, as they knew that Death Eaters would surely be on the hunt for him, especially when they find him absent from his last year in school. 

The Weasleys had already set up a reason for Ron incase people would come knocking to ask why he wasn't in Hogwarts, while Hermione had also said that she's taken care of it when asked what her plan was.

Harry's birthday was a small celebration, Mrs. Weasley baking him a cake with seventeen candles, while Fred and George got him a gift basket filled with the most popular items from their shop. Everyone was still admittedly reeling from everything that was happening, Harry most of all. Florence could still see it in his eyes that he thought he was to be blamed for all the things that went wrong. She couldn't forget the guilt in his eyes when he tried to apologize to her for her mother's death. It was tragic to have someone as young as him bear the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Harry was also set on leaving that night, eager to start his journey, however his friends had somehow managed to persuade him to stay one more day for the wedding, Ron telling him that he could not bear to face the wrath of both Fleur and Mrs. Weasley if they missed it.

The day was almost seemingly normal until the Minister showed up to the Burrow with Percy in tow, shaking up the Weasleys, especially Mrs. Weasley, who was conflicted on how she was to feel that her estranged son was back in their home once more. Bill was rather furious that his brother had the gall to even show his face around them, especially with his wedding around the corner.

Percy looked like he knew what his family was thinking about him, but held his head up high regardless.

The Minister requested a private conversation at the living room with Harry, Ron, and Hermione regarding Dumbledore's will, everyone clearing out the space to do different things, knowing that consequences would be more dire if they tried to eavesdrop on the Minister himself.

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