(21) Dazed and Confused

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Practices had gone pretty good the afternoon before. It seemed to have put Davies in a better mood whenever he saw Potter's firebolt still holed up in Madame Hooch's office. It gave the whole team some sort of assurance. As long as it wouldn't end up in the hands of Potter during their match, the bigger their chances were at winning.

Cho didn't seem to fly like she had just came fresh from a head injury. She flew more accurate and precisely, if possible. Davies said that they had a big shot at winning if she kept that up until their big game. If they could only plow the Gryffindors down just like they did with Hufflepuff. Davies doubled the Chaser training, making Jeremy, Florence and himself shoot more goals than their usual during practice.

Nicolai was in a far better mood the next day, having more hope with her Potions class after her tutorial session with Jillian. She told them how she felt as if she understood after Jillian had explained everything to her.

"Remarkable, that girl." gushed Alexander as Nicolai had told them all about it. "Oh, shut it. You're saying that because you fancy her." muttered Nicolai, to which Alexander frowned at in response, "No. I am not biased. I said that because she got to teach someone as impossible as you. That's an achievement, you know."

"Sod off, Alexander." she scoffed, "Although I noticed that Jill looked a bit sad yesterday... I tried asking her about it but she kept saying she was fine." said Nicolai, the three of them peeking over their shoulders to look at Jillian who conversed with a friend on the hufflepuff table.

"Now that you mention it, it's been awhile since I last saw her with Banks..." said Florence, turning back to finish her food. "You don't suppose that they've broke it off, have you?"

Florence shook her head, "I doubt. Girls don't look mildly sad because of breakups... They look devastatingly depressed and would cry over the smallest things... Jillian looks far from that, for now." she shrugged.

"Anyways... I need to go head to the library a bit. I immediately went to bed just after practice because I was so tired and I forgot to do a paper." said Florence, gathering her things in a bustle.

"I'll catch you guys in a bit, yeah?" she said, before going out of the great hall. Alexander sighed, finishing up the remainder of his breakfast"Poor Flo, she doesn't have much time to finish her homework with this Quidditch season going on..."

"Yeah, not to mention that the Ravenclaw team's been overworked because they have three consecutive games."

He glanced at his watch, "...And I have prefect duties... Professor Flitwick wants all the Ravenclaw prefects in his office before first period. I dunno why, though, but I bet it's important."

"Great, leave me all alone to walk to classes, yeah?" she grumbled, pushing around the food on her plate with a fork as Alexander shot her an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, Nic. Atleast it's not everyday, only once in awhile. I just really need to attend to this." Nicolai sighed inwardly, "I understand... But you owe me something from honeydukes during the next Hogsmeade weekend."

"Deal," he grinned, before walking off to wherever he was going to go.

"Well," Nicolai breathed out, stacking a few slices of ham onto a piece of bread before topping it with another slice of bread, "Looks like it's going to be you and me to classes, ham sandwich." she said taking a bite before slinging her bag onto her shoulder and heading out.

Nicolai didn't exactly have only Florence and Alexander as her friends, but she hung out with them almost 24/7 that she wouldn't be comfortable with anyone else. She was actually the best in socializing, as Florence is a bit hesitant while Alexander is just straight up awkward when making friends with people.

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