(167) Pretty Little Rock

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"Don't you think its weird that I'm eating here and I don't even work in the Ministry? Seriously I feel like the lady who gives out the guest passes was judging me today when I came in." said Nicolai, before shoveling another forkful of pasta in to her mouth.

"Ignore her, Martha's a bitter old lady." Alexander chimed in, "Some of my colleagues say its because she just got divorced last year. Something about getting caught cheating."

Hadley's eyebrows raised, "Wow. She was the one cheating? That's low." she quipped in, "Usually it's the ones that get cheated on that turn in to bitter ladies. And yeah, don't worry about a thing, Nicolai. Let Martha judge all she wants."

"This one senior Auror has an ex wife named Martha. Could it be the same one?" Florence asked, the other three shrugging.

It had been three weeks since the funeral, and Alexander and Florence had somehow managed to convince Nicolai to have lunch with them at the Ministry regularly throughout the week when it fitted Nicolai's schedule.

At first it was awkward, with Hadley in the mix, but after the third lunch everyone was quite comfortable and it felt as though they were back in Hogwarts eating meals at the Great Hall together again.

"Didn't think your colleagues were one for gossip, Xan. Your department seems too prim and proper for gossip." Nicolai chuckled while swirling more pasta into her fork, making Florence chuckle.

"Oh if you knew half of the gossip there, you'd be shocked. They are very nosey people, so don't be deceived by them." he revealed, "Of course I don't participate in it."

"Sure you don't," Florence said sarcastically.

"Alexander Haddlowe, too big for gossip."

"I'm not too big for gossip. I just prefer listening quietly. Olivia on the other hand.... boy.... whenever she visits, she always initiates the gossip mill."

"Olivia?" Hadley asked.

"My girlfriend," Alexander said bashfully, always looking awfully shy at the mention of the girl, "She's not in the country a lot because of Quidditch but when she is she likes to visit me at work. My colleagues love her more than they like me, I swear."

"She plays Quidditch professionally? What team?" Hadley asks in intrigue, looking very interested.

"The Hollyhead Harpies. Plays with my sister."

"Wait wait." She said, waving her hands around, "Haddlowe. Of course. You're Adrianna Haddlowe's brother. How did I not make that connection the first time? And Olivia... Olivia Banks? She's your girlfriend?"


"That's crazy!" Hadley exclaimed, causing people from other tables to look at her, "You know a lot of famous people how are you so casual about it?"

He shrugged, "Well they're just Dri and Olivia to me, really."

"I didn't realize Olivia was famous already. That concept baffles me." Nicolai chuckled, making Alexander glare at her, "Hey. She's a very good player."

"I didn't say she wasn't." Nicolai said, raising her hands in defense jokingly.

"She's certainly good. A rookie, yes, but she has it." Hadley said with a smile.

"Did you know Florence almost got that spot?" Xander said, making Florence roll her eyes at him, "Here we go again."

Hadley turned to Florence excitedly, "You did?"

She sighed, "Yeah, Dri offered me the spot when she got captaincy after Gwenog Jones retired. I turned it down to be an Auror however 2/3 of the Haddlowe children still give me grief about not taking it. To this day."

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